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Enzo - Royal Crest

I run alongside Sophia and Theo's vehicle as they head to the cabin.  Remi had shifted before I even got chance to think it through.  If she's out here then so am I. 

I'll sleep in the boat barn tonight. 

Sophia's struggling with her emotions.  Until seeing that fuck up earlier she was fine. Or at least I thought she was.

I've been feeling unstable myself if I'm being honest.  I snarled at my father earlier because I could smell my mother on him.  She set this fucking catastrophe in motion after all.  I wouldn't have been on anyone's radar if she hadn't of meddled in my life.

He looked sad, but also said it was to be expected.  I didn't have time to question it further. 

Theo pulls over in to a lay by.  I'm snarling with nervous energy and jealousy.  If he so much as touches her I'll lose my shit.

I shake my head out.  Trying to rid myself of these thoughts.  I'm half expecting some random Alpha to turn up here in the coming days to take her.

I'll fight him to the death I think to myself. 

Reme is quiet.  He's just watching the vehicle intently.  How is he holding himself together?  He snarls at me.  He's pissed off with me?  It feels like everyone is these days. 

I half want to grab her and run away with her.  Force her to listen to me.  But I know I can't do that. 

I keep moving when the vehicle rolls again.  I speed up and make it to the tree line of the cabin before them. 

I wonder if she knows that I'm close?  I can feel it now when she's moving away from me.  Its like something tugging in my chest just dying to break free.

Her snow Angel scent becoming more potent.  Her vibrant eyes in my dreams.  Our bonded wolves no doubt strengthening our own bond of sorts. 

I watch her go inside, pleased that Theo didn't hang around.  After an hour curiosity gets the better of me and I peep through the window to see that she's asleep on the chair.

I want to make sure she's eaten.  Is she warm enough?.  Reme has a sudden urge to hunt for her.  So that's what we do.  We find the biggest creature that we can and we drag it to the porch.  I notice all the lights are off now.  She's not in the chair anymore. 

Reme scratches the door regardless and a few moments later she swings it open with a frown. 

Reme wags his tail and steps back presenting his meal for her. 

She suddenly smiles.  It's a vision.  "God's I love you Remi she says and he wags furiously.  Some Alpha I tease. 

She leans down petting his ears and chest.  It feels amazing.  Reme suddenly lifts his head to smell her crotch and I feel aroused instantly.  She smirks at him shaking her head. "Just a moment sweet boy" as she turns her back to us and slips out of her sleep shirt. I realise she is going to shift feeling more comfortable with Reme then she does with me right now.

She walks toward the front lawn as I growl at her nakedness in public worried that someone will see her. "No one's around Enzo" she says rolling her eyes before magnificently shifting in to her beautiful wolf. My Blade i sigh dreamily as Reme runs toward her his tail wagging and drool falling from his mouth. It shocks me that I'm considerably taller than her now. At least 4 inches in head height. I remember she had a good inch on me when we first met and I thought she was huge then so I must be a frightful sight.

Reme runs back to his gift and drags it out to the lawn and across to the tree line whilst she follows wagging her tail. He rips off all the best meat and nudges her to eat. She devours the meal like she hasn't eaten in a week and Reme is proudly sat watching her. She whines at him to join her after a few beats. It must be a good half an hour before they both come up for breath, making sure they don't waste any of the sacrificed hunt. Blade looks carnal covered in blood and I can't be much better. Something changes in their behaviour and I realise they are now going to mate. I recede back to give them some privacy and the next thing I notice is dawn rising through the skyline.

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