Chapter 1 dreams of an absolution

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A light grey wolfdog with amber eyes named Balto found himself in an unknown city its machinations far more advanced then he was used to seeing he looked back and fourth careful about his surroundings skyscrapers could be seen all throughout the area along with a platinum road he saw a couple of stand out small buildings which happened to have the names for brands on their labels that he didn't recognize the brands went by the names of Castor fizma and ladgiccorp the later most commonly seen as a watermark seen on television screens that littered the city walls almost as if they were posters, the canine cautiously explored his surroundings making sure to keep mental notes of what he witnessed.

The lights instead of being warm and welcoming were hostile and imposing adding to the wolfdogs sense of unease he could more then easily tell that something was very off about this place the sound of wind could simply never be heard making it so that besides flickering lights and vehicles driving it was left mostly silent, Balto spotted something in the corner of his eye it was an anthropomorphic hedgehog with distinctive white fur and red eyes the figure launched themselves into the air before jumping from building to building. Balto follows after them the hedgehog being the closest thing he had to finding answers.

The hedgehog noticing that Balto was following him changed trajectory he jumped off one of the buildings before a cyan glow then surrounded him he began flying to the south the wolfdog I'm response also changing course, Balto managed to catch up keeping pace with them "who are you and where am i?" The canine asked " my names Silver and I'll explain what I know once we're out of this place" the hedgehog replied. both of them soon made it out of the city streets and into a... barren wasteland? "Sorry this was the best spot i could find" Silver said nervously "it's okay" Balto said in reply the two stopped in their tracks the cyan glow surrounded Silver disappeared as he then landed on his feet hitting the ground gently before looking around to make sure nobody else followed them.

Silver let out a sigh of relief glad that as far as he could tell nobody was tracking them "I said I would explain so.. Long story short the place you found yourself in is Pentax city its a nightmare of a place where everything is exclusively about money and nothing else things like healthcare and the church only exist in this county for the purpose of squeezing as much cash and credit out of the citizens as possible not even art is safe" the Erinaceidae told him, Balto became lost in thought for a moment him taking this all in "so your saying everything in the city is corrupted?" Balto questioned "unfortunately" Silver said answering with a solemn tone "Not only that but the problems gotten worse" the hedgehog added.

Balto in reply became curious as to what Silver meant while at the same time preparing himself for the  worst "what makes you think that?" Balto said as part of him wished to know more about the current situation, "that cities influence is growing.. Previously i was more then enough to keep its forces at bay but something is making them stronger or someone..." Silver lamented "who?" The wolfdog quarried almost as if to answer his question the sky suddenly changed color from grey to a pitch black almost as if it were being swallowed by a black hole.

 "Damn we don't have much time" Silver said him now in a hurry he gives the wolfdog a shimmering dark blue gemstone "what are you doing?" Balto asked with a hint of concern almost as if he could sense the impending danger "this is a chaos emerald just take it and run!" Silver responded "but what about you?" Balto asked worried "I'll be fine just go!" Silver said as the cyan glow surrounds him once more having no choice but to trust the hedgehogs words Balto ran as fast as his four paws could carry him with the emerald in tow it safely placed in his jaws soon after a few minutes of running everything faded to black.

[End of chapter 1]

Baltos dream adventureWhere stories live. Discover now