Chapter 2 New Venture

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Balto woke up he found himself in a beach like area with a pink sky thankfully he did not lose the chaos emerald as it glimmers right next to him seems it protected him from the dark storm ravaging the area he was at prior, he stood up looking at his surroundings for a brief moment at the very least from what he could tell it was a beach something he was far more familiar with.

The wolfdog took the time to take in his surroundings the ocean waters were absolutely beautiful every corner of the land was brimming with life he was captivated by the things he saw the canine could not help but what his tail but that wagging slowed down when he thought back to the previous events back to when as far as he knew Silver had risked his life to save him someone who was nothing but a stranger to the hedgehog but despite the fact that Balto barely knew them he could not help being concerned for thier safety, he tried to shake it off and push those thoughts to the back of his mind they trusted him with this gemstone for some unknown reason and he wasn't about to let it all go to waste.

Baltos thoughts were interrupted entirely  as he heard the sounds of cheerful laughter his ears perk up he walked over to where he heard the noise he could see two flareons playing with each other they both ran along the sparkling sands there was a sign above him that said 'welcome to pearl beach zone' four eevees could be  seen tossing a beachball between each other, the wolfdog noticed a wreaked ship in the distance he remembered being in a wreaked ship back where he lived  it wasn't the best place in the world but it was at least a place he could call home.

He made his way over to the shop and walked inside he could see ladgiccorp flags inside the ship the logo on these flags were the same logo you'd see on the television posters back at pentax city, his ears flicker for a moment as he hears a metallic buzzing sound he walks outside wondering what on earth that sound was he then witnessed giant bee robots carrying emperor penguin sized bird cages the cages were connected to the machines by way of a metal string connecting the cage to the insecticide robots underbelly moth like robots wearing red and white robes floated down to the crystalline beach instead of gently leading the eevees and flareons into the crates they forcefully crammed the  pokemon in while showing a sense of contempt almost as if the creatures were vermin to them.

Balto after seeing this lets out a snarl him appalled by the action he chases after the bee and moth robots which carry the pokemon away to an unknown location the canine pursues them determined to rescue the captive creatures and willing to do everything he could to save the pokemon, he then saw that the bee robots were carrying the cages up into the air towards something in distance it was a giant airship of some kind "I just need to find a way up to whatever that thing is" the Wolfdog thought to himself  he jumped into the air biting the metal strings belonging to one of the bee machines closest to him it snapped in half causing the cage to fall to the ground the other bee robots sadly flew up to the airship beyond his reach. Balto landed on the ground "are you okay?" he asked the flareon that was trapped inside he skillfully used his claws to unlock the crate the grateful flareon in response ran up to him and leaned their head into the wolfdog they let out a soft purr this caused Balto to reply with a warm smile

[End of chapter 2]

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