Chapter 3 enter Sonic and Goku a new union begins

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Balto and the flareon he saved were being filmed by a far off camera someone who was watching the footage slammed their fist angrily against a desk, "CURSE YOU SILVER! EVEN IN OUR NEW DAWN OF POWER YOUR A THORN IN MY MASTERS SIDE" the person shouted out "what's gotten you so hot tempered?" Another person said as they walked into the room after hearing the commotion a cigarette in their mouth "what's gotten me so 'hot tempered' is Silver punchering a hole in our masters narrative!" The man said losing the plot the ends of his hair sticking up "and that's a problem why? The majority of Pentax cities population is already on our side" the coworker replied as she continued smoking puffs of ash exiting her cigarette "you own the nature reserve you should know why it's a problem if a wolf  a member of the species which is the MAIN selling point for your establishment is seen helping POKEMON creatures that the public of the city see as filthy and demonic questions will be raised!" he stated in a harsh tone of voice, "chillax I'll send someone to deal with it" the co-worker said simply acting blazae about the whole thing "you better!" he said slowly calming down "oh don't worry I will" the co-worker said with a devilish smirk.

Balto walked along the sparkling crystalline sands keeping careful watch over the flareon and doing his best to escort them to safety "there is a wreaked ship nearby hide there until i tell you it's safe" the wolfdog instructed,  the flareon nodded in response white butterfly robots with black spots on their wings fly along the coast scanning for any Pokemon that may have avoided capture; one of the machines was destroyed by a blue blur the source of such a blur landed on the ground revealing themselves to be an iconic blue hedgehog with green eyes and red sneakers SONIC THE HEDGEHOG had arrived on the scene he turned his head and looked up at the other butterfly robots with a confident smile the other machines he swiftly launched himself into the air and took the others out in a matter of seconds he then lands back on the ground once again before then entering spherical from and reviving up for an attack he launched himself towards a panther like robot destroying it with a single strike a mew which was previously trapped inside the machine happily nuzzled Sonics face before flying off into the distance.

The hedgehog smiles and waves them goodbye before continuing on his way Balto in the meantime began making his way to the airship after the flareon was hidden in the wreaked ship meaning that the Pokemon at least to him was now safe from danger, he saw plenty of coconut trees and platforms which floated in the air he finds a tightrope and grabs onto it with his jaws he uses his agility to launch himself off the tightrope and onto higher ground the wolf or continued forward  running across the higher patch of ground; the robots now residing In the territory which was a forest like area  spotted Balto now seeing the wolfdog as a threat the miniature tank like robots fired energy blasts out of their guns towards him the canine moves out of the way of the shots before jumping onto one of miniature tanks the tank in response self destructs knocking Balto away as a result he shakes his fur managing to recover from the damage but his fur was a mess, a fennekin was revealed to have been contained inside the tank robot that just probably exploded "I was trapped thank you sir" the fennekin said happy to finally be free he jumped onto Baltos back and curled up at least the wolfdog now had a solid idea of what to do destroy the metal things free the innocent creatures inside he lunged towards the other miniature tanks a tore them apart with his teeth freeing the other fennekins trapped in the robots who then flocked to him for safety.

Sonic kicked a swordsman like robot with a square head sending it skidding across the sand he then spotted a flareon breathing fire at another swordsman robot but doing no damage whatsoever the hedgehog came to thier aid hitting the machine with a barrage of kicks before destroying it with a finishing punch, the previous sword wielding machine he attacked launched itself towards him; Sonic skilfully dodged the sword strike that was swung towards him. the hedgehog then entered spherical form and revved up for an attack once again before striking the robot with a spindash; Sonic then bounced off the ground and hit multiple swordsmen machines with a series of homing attacks he then picks up one of the robots swords before running towards another group of them and then slicing through all of them at once; an army of robots rains from the airship above them on a mission to capture any remaining Pokemon as well as to kill Sonic and Balto the hedgehog in reply simply had a smirk "bring it on rustbuckets!" he said confidently.

Balto tore through as many panther like machines and miniature tanks as possible freeing the pokemon who were  imprisoned within their metal shells, boltund now that they were no longer trapped in the miniature tanks that were just barely able to fit them all scampered away mews fly into the air and a couple rockruffs hide behind Balto for safety; the Wolfson sniffed the air searching for more pokemon when he suddenly caught an unknown sent he begins to track it down as he sneaks through the bushes. once he made it to the source of the smell he found what he thought was a human the person had spiked hair and was wearing an orange martial arts gi unknown to the canine this was the saiyan raised on earth SON GOKU the place he found Golu in contained waterfalls so loud it drowned out any noise around the area quite literally I may say Goku in contrast was in a meditative state he opened one eye once he noticed someone else was there "oh hello there who might you be?" Goku said cheerfully him unaware on what was going on outside this small zone it had quite the lovely scenery there were purple ferns along the ground with a small pond at the end of the small but peaceful environment "it's not safe you need to leave" warned Balto Goku in response stands up hearing the seriousness in the wolfdogs tone "what's going on?" Goku said "there are metal things rampaging throughout this place you need to leave and hide somewhere safe" Balto told him  "metal things are they robots or androids?" Goku asked curiously "is that what you call them?" Balto questioned him tilting his head "nevermind we don't have time to question things you need to go now!" Balto then said "I can actually help you know" Goku replied "how?" Balto asked; in response Goku closed his eyes once more he powers up a grey aura surrounded him Balto could not sense the energy but he could sure as hell feel the pressure "d did you just cause an earthquake?" Balto asked mystified "nope" the saiyan simply replied "follow my lead" Balto said walking back through the bushes Goku silently walked after him the two rockruffs look over nervous as they see and hear the bush rustling out of it arrived Balto and Goku "Don't worry I brought a friend" the wolfdog said trying to reassure them "hi names Goku" the saiyan said with a friendly smile suddenly a crash was heard from far away it being so loud everyone could hear it from where they were standing Goku flies over Balto was briefly surprised by Goku's flight ability but shrugged it off and ran after him when they got there they saw Sonic standing back up on his feet after being struck by a hammer wielding jester robot Baltos eyes widen him caught off guard by Sonic's apparent similarities in appearance to Silver "would you like some help?" Goku asked as he steps over to the hedgehogs side "that would be appreciated" Sonic said replying with a warm smile.

[End of chapter 3]

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