Chapter 5 enter Bambi a forest in peril

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Goku once again entered the airship he searched around for the pokemon Sonic runs over to him "the ships gonna explode in one minute" the saiyan told him "I know i saw it on the screen you can teleport right?" the hedgehog asked "yeah through my instant transmission" Goku answered "get as many people off the ship as possible I'll distract mr insanity" Sonic told him before then charging up a spindash "you sure?" Goku questioned Sonic exits spherical from him turquoise blue once again "positive!" the hedgehog replied before then dashing off the ship and reentering spherical form he hits Zelka dead on catching them off guard and sending them crashing into the ground he then bounces off them before landing besides Balto "heh payback" Sonic said "who is that?" Balto asked "that's the pilot of the airship and the person who's been messing with the inhabitants of this island" Sonic told him "I'm this case we should deal with him while he is disoriented" Balto said "by the way i never got your names" Sonic mentioned "well my names Balto" the wolfdog replied "I'm Sonic Sonic the hedgehog" The blue blur said introducing himself to the canine "nice to meet you" Balto responded with a smile Sonic notices the dark blue glow that surrounded Balto "are you using a chaos emerald?" Sonic asks "yeah Silver gave one to me" Balto answered him having a hint of surprise since he had no idea he was using its power "how did you get one of them anyway?" Sonic asked "wait one of them? there's more then one chaos emerald?" Balto questioned "wait your not from my world are you?" Sonic asked "your world?" the wolfdog queries but before Sonic could explain Zelka recovered standing tall and powering up a red and yellow aura surrounding them cracks in the ground were caused by the zealots sheer power alone.


Sonic charges towards Zelka punching them at full force as a result shockwaves could be felt throughout the island when the dust that was kicked up from Sonic's attack finally settles its revealed that Zelka blocked the attack with a single hand, "not bad" Sonic said with a smirk he then kicks Zelka in the head before then Balto enters the fight and strikes them sending them skidding across the beaches ground Zelka in retaliation launches an energy beam out of his hand that branches off into two beams Sonic jumped into the air and spun around creating a blue tornado to redirect the beams back towards Zelka who simply holds thier hand out once again and blocks them easily energy beams they create then sprout out of the ground making Balto and Sonic have to dodge them he then swipes his right hand summoning billions of energy spheres which are launched towards the hedgehog and the wolfdog them dodging all of the spheres as best as they possibly can Zelka then raised his right hand into the air before creating energy beams that fall from the sky both Sonic and Balto dodge rolling out of the way of the beams.

The ground crumbles breaking apart as a sinkhole is opened beneath them both the hedgehog and wolfdog fall deep underground Zelka flies after them as they are falling Sonic regains his bearings as he launches himself onto a wall and begins running down it he then jumps from the wall grabbing Balto then landing on another wall Zelka summons a volley of energy spheres Sonic while holding Balto jumps from wall to walk to avoid the blasts, "quick Balto roll into a ball" Sonic says "how is that gonna help?" Balto questions "just trust me" Sonic exclaimed Balto does what Soniic tells him to do curling into a ball and entering spherical form Sonic jumps from wall to wall at speeds faster then the normal eye could see he then appears above Zelka before striking them with a homing attack that transitions into a kick sending them in front of the now spherical Balto who hits them dead on sending the both of them crashing into a stone floor Zelka breaking the wolfdogs fall; Sonic lands on his feet.

(Music ends)

Balto now that he was on solid ground walked over to Sonic and stood next to him Zelka gets back up his aura more intense then before Sonic runs over and hits them with several homing attacks that causes no damage whatsoever Sonic then uses the homing kick just like before but it doesn't even make Zelka move they calmly grab the hedgehog by the throat and start choking him "I may have misjudged the situation.." Sonic sputtered Balto attacks Zelka biting them by the arm that they were using to hold Sonic in place thanks to the power of the chaos emerald this actually caused Selma to flinch for moment this gave Sonic the opportunity to escape their grasp they fall to the ground and gasp for air Balto places Sonic on his back and runs for it Zelka teleports in front of the both of them "I wouldn't dare try that if I were you" they said to the wolfdog suddenly Goku appears beside Zelka he punches them square in the face sending them flying through several walls "I saved all the pokemon" Goku said Zelka gets back up on thier feet shrugging off the hit they teleport to Goku before swinging a kick towards him the saiyan ducks avoiding the attack "Sonic are you okay?" Balto asked "y yeah I'm fine" Sonic replied the hedgehog currently in the recovery process Goku dodges Zelka's punches and kicks then Zelka dodges Goku's punches and kicks then the punches and kicks of both fighters clash before Goku punches Zelka in the stomach sending him skidding backwards along the stone ground Zelka wraps behind Goku and kicks them in the back of the head Gok u retaliates by using an uppercut against them Zelka as a result is sent flying upwards "he's toying with him" Sonic said this catching Balto by surprise "how do you know?" the canine asked "well Mr crazytrain over there is using two energy sources chaos energy and one I can't sense I have a feeling that's the same energy goldie lox is using" Sonic mentioned "his names actually Goku" Balto politely told him "oh right thanks anyway he likely cannot sense the chaos energy they are using therefore Goku can't properly measure their power" the blue blur said almost as if on cue with what Sonic told Balto Zelka grabs Goku by the wrist and twists it making the saiyan scream out in pain Sonic charges his spindash before then becoming turquoise blue him activating his light speed attack once again "Sonic wait you haven't fully recovered yet!" the wolfdog called out; the hedgehog zipped around Zelka "I can't follow its movements" Zelka said mildly frustrated Sonic strikes them with a barrage of punches and kicks and then a barrage of homing attacks he even launched himself into the air "SONIC EAGLE!" Sonic yelled out as he kicks Zelka in the head from above but it did no damage none of his attacks did any damage Sonic's speed advantage was the only thing keeping him in the game he runs circles around the zealot Goku twists his dislocated wrist back into the correct position "time to take it up a notch" Goku said to himself he begins powering up again "I don't think so!" Zelka said as they hold both hands out in front of themselves thier hands start to glow a dark yellow suddenly Goku is struck by a technique that debuffs his abilities the saiyan falls to his knees "I I can't go beyond super saiyan what is happening!?" He said confused Balto rammed into Zelka a dark blue light surrounding them that light took the shape of the drill as both of them were sent skyrocketing above the island and into the skies Zelka retaliates by kicking Balto onto the nearet cloud the wolfdog launches himself off that cloud trying to get Zelka as far away from the island as possible tackles them Selma throws Balto into the distance they then charge a yellow and red energy beam in thier hands Sonic and Goku's eyes widen sensing the sudden spike of energy "quick Goku teleport us there!" Sonic said to the saiyan Goku in reply grabs Sonic by the arm and used the instant transmission to get where Zelka is "throw me over there" Sonic then said as he points at where Balto is the wolfdog still skyrocketing through the air the saiyan throws the hedgehog who catches Balto and lands on a cloud just in time to avoid Zelkas beam "thanks for the save.." Balto muttered under his breath "no problem" Sonic replies "we need to get him as far away from the island as possible.." Balto said "I may have an idea on how to do that" Sonic responds "how?" Balto queries his ears perked up him listening intently to what the hedgehog has to say "can you give me the chaos emerald?" Sonic asked him Balto reaches into the fur of his back grabbing the chaos emerald and giving it to Sonic the dark blue glow around the wolfdog and the power given to him by the emerald disappears, Goku throws a punch towards Zelka who blocks it Goku then uses instant transmission to warp away from Zelka and launches a kamehameha towards them Zelka simply swipes his hand deflecting the beam with ease "on my signal 3 2 1 go!"Sonic says as he jumps from the cloud towards Zelka Balto following suit "I bet you can't use chaos control" Sonic taunts "oh really?" Zelka said with a sly grin "yeah prove it!" Sonic said to them Zelka in order to satisfy thier own ego and prove themselves superior to a quote 'demon' began to activate the technique Sonic mentioned "CHAOS!" they yell "CHAOS" Sonic yells out as well "CONTROL" they both then shout out in unison which causes a portal to open besides the both of them Sonic grabs Balto by the scruff and air boosts over to another cloud Sonic then absorbs the chaos emerald the vibrant dark blue glow surrounding him he launches himself towards Zelka before then kicking them into the portal with everything he could muster with the one emeralds power the portal once Zelka enters closes leaving the zealot in a different point in time the glow surrounding Sonic dissipates he begins to fall Goku catches Sonic grabbing the hedgehog by the left arm "let's get back to the island and tell everyone the good news shall we?" Sonic says with a smile "aren't ya coming Balto?" Goku asks "right" says Balto as he hops onto Goku's back the saiyan uses instant transmission taking them back to the islands beach Balto jumps into the ground as Goku let go of Sonic the pokemon on the beach get out of hiding them surrounding the three curiously "Hey good news we saved the island" Sonic said while doing a thumbs up the pokemon cheer loud cries of celebration being heard unfortunately at someplace else things weren't going as well a forest was lit aflame all the surrounding trees brunt to a crisp herds of various animals run attempting to escape somehow the bushes were unaffected by the inferno within those bushes watching from a distance was a fawn named Bambi he saw a figure walking along a now barren patch of land it was a hedgehog just like Sonic but instead of the iconic hedgehogs cobalt blue it was midnight blue thier spines were shorter too and curved downwards and they also had dark green eyes they summon roots which sprout from the ground one of those roots wraps itself around a possum that was previously injured during the forest fire constricting it and draining it of its energy until only bone was left Bambi's eyes widen in horror at what he just witnessed but then another thought crossed his mind what if he was next?.

[End of chapter 5]

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