Chapter 4 save the pokemon the battle to protect the innocent

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Goku charged flying towards the jester robot and pulling back his fist reading a punch the machine however easily avoided his attack by bouncing into the air they then summoned hammer which rained from the sky hitting Sonic Balto and Goku dead on causing all three of them to grunt in pain "your attempts to protect such demonic creatures are blasphemous blasphemous worthless worthless" the machine said before cackling and swinging the hammer in its  left hand towards Sonic's head hoping to break his skull Balto finally out of his shock and surprise pushes Sonic out of the way taking the hit instead; Goku cuffs his hands and charges a blue beam he pulls his arms back "kamehameha" Goku yelled as he pushed his arms forward and launched the beam into the robot sending it flying back Sonic rushes towards the machine he had a blue barrier surrounding him as he used the boost  "blasphemy or not I'll protect innocent life from monsters like you!" Sonic said resolutely "innocent? they are pokemon  pokemon demons demons like you none of them are innocent innocent they are demonic demonic" the metallic jester said before laughing maniacally they landed on the ground Sonic tries to throw a punch towards them but they simply move backwards avoiding the attack "your fast fast but your attacks are predictable predictable" they said sinsterly in reply Sonic homing attacks them and then spin kicking them in the head "how that for predictable" the blue hedgehog retorted "not bad not bad" The jester robot said before Balto then tackled them the machine in retaliation summoned a dark red boxing glove which struck the wolfdog in the stomach from below Goku hit the robot with an energy sphere knocking them backwards the saiyan flies towards the at high speeds the two of them now far away from Balto and Sonic.


Goku and the Jester machines attacks clash Goku kicks the robot in the head sending them flying upwards the robot in retaliation swing its hammer around in its hand before appearing behind Goku and striking him in the back with its weapon "your efforts against me alone are futile futile!" the machine said to him.

                                               (Music ends)

Goku regained his balance and turned before before launching a kamehameha towards it "the same trick will not work on me twice twice" the Jester robot said mockingly "who are you and why do you look so similar to Silver?" Balto asked Sonic now that he finally had time to question the situation he found himself in the machine deflected Goku's beam with its hammer "you know Silver?" Sonic asked in response "well barely" he wolfdog admitted Goku grabbed the Jester robot by the leg and spun around before throwing them into the sky and flying after them, he punches the Jester robot sending them skyrocketing further into the skyline he has the grey aura surrounding him the same one he showed Balto before. the machine in response summons a dark red boxing glove from above using his martial arts skills Goku quickly flipped onto his back and caught the glove with his right palm it right in front of his chest; the robot spins towards Goku with its hammer in hand Goku flies downwards out of the way before then positioning himself upwards "your tricks are useless useless" the machine said as it appeared behind Goku swinging its hammer at the back of his head he simply ducks avoiding the strike it then summons 9 boxing gloves which surround Goku before closing in on him all at once but when the attack hits the Jester finds it merely hit an afterimage Goku created Goku then kicks the robot from above sending it crashing back onto the sandy back ground and causing a crater he then lands in front of the Jester who quickly gets back up and starts summoning its hammer rain again Balto's eyes widen as he sees the hammers raining towards him Goku and Sonic him reacting to the attack this time; his eyes dart him trying to think of a way to avoid the attack "quick can you swim?" Balto asked Sonic " uh no" Sonic answered with a shrug this in turn causes Balto's ember pupils to shrink "brace for impact.." He said defeated before Goku quickly grabbed the both of them and enters the forest like area with the rockruffs earlier avoiding the hammer rain which hit the beach sand after all three of them made it out of the line of fire Goku gently placed the two of them down unfortunately there was no time for respite as the robot appears behind Goku Sonic enterd spherical form and quickly moves past Goku appearing above the Jester machine before using a stomp attack to hit it dead on and send it crashing into the ground.

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