Chapter 6 enter Redtail saved from the jaws of death

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The Pokemon celebrate the saviors of thier island as Balto Sonic and Goku are outfitted in flower crowns Flareons Mews Rockruffs Eevees and Fennekins cheer with sheer delight one of the mews gesters for the wolfdog hedgehog and saiyan to follow them they brought the three to the islands leader who was a sickly mightyena "greetings kind visitors" said the mightyena while he was coughing and sputtering "save your breath" Balto said concerned "not to worry I am fine" the pokemon told him the benevolent ruler of the island trying to feign a sense of somewhat good health even tho it was clear to everyone here he was going to die very soon "you sure?" Sonic asks him incredibly unconvinced, the canine like pokemon takes the time to catch his breath "allow me to introduce myself my name is Cavalier" he says to the three saviours of his home "and who might you three be?" he then asks politely "my names Goku" the saiyan replies "I'm Sonic Sonic the hedgehog" the blue blur then says after him "I'm Balto it's a pleasure to meet you" the wolfdog said to the mightyena "no the pleasures all mine" Cavalier says "just by looking at you I can tell your wondering what's going on" he then says to them "you have answers?" Balto questions as he begins to wag his tail a hint of excitement shining through this however causes Sonic to become suspicious of the mightyena him tapping his foot on the ground as he crosses his arms "while I do not have all the answers i will tell you what I know " Cavalier mentions this puts Sonic's suspicions at rest at least for the time being.

The canine like Pokemon closes his eyes taking another deep breath "you are in the world of dreams" he told them he then took another deep breath before speaking again "your on a location in this world called Northwind island" he then told them before taking the time to catch his breath "are you sure your okay?" Asks Sonic him becoming concerned for the pokemons health "don't mind me my iillness means I need to take deep breathes so I can speak full sentences without entering a coughing fit" he admits while in that coughing fit he mentioned the mightyena takes another deep breath before continuing "long ago our kind met a group of humans who believed in a god called Rahaven they were a open minded and peaceful people so initially there were no issues" he said before taking another deep breath "we sheltered them and gave them security against those who saw thier belief as blasphemous and would be out to kill them when given the chance soon thier religion like all beliefs would grow and those purely out for money seeing that as an opportunity would enter the fray radicalizing the people to sucker them out of their cash and it sadly worked soon more and more Ravahavist extremists began to pop up especially when the draconic panic began" he informed them before trying to catch his breath again "draconic panic?" Goku questions, Cavalier takes another deep breath "yes there is someone in the seller's scripture named Draconica they are basically the devil of the religion that wreaks havock with her army of demons" he told them "I'm assuming the panic over this 'draconica' figure is what caused all this?" Balto asks Cavalier takes one more deep breath "you would in fact be correct those who were fooled by the political scheme would point to anything they didn't like and claim it to be of draconic origin like metal music dungeons and dragons different religions card games etc there were still reasonable people in the religion that were in the churches but the money grubbing elites slowly weeded them out leaving politicians disguised as prophets in their place" he said this caused Balto to stare in shock while Sonic clenched his fist enraged by the people who caused this tragedy his hand closed so tight you could hear bones crackling.

Cavalier sighed as he can see Sonic and Goku's anger rising "what about the metal things why were they attacking the pokemon?" Balto asks the mightyena takes a deep breath before speaking " they are robots built by ladgiccorp the television and technology company owned by the leader of these politicians the robots invade the island and gather pokemon taking them to an airship piloted by the extremist named Zelka the pokemon are then taken to the chambers" he informed the three Balto and Goku seem to be confused by the last word of the sentence while Sonic clenched his fist even harder veins appearing on his forehead from sheer rage as a dark energy surrounds him he knew very well what the mightyena meant "Sonic what's wrong?" Goku asks as he starts to get worried Sonic slowly begins to calm down as he breathes in and out slowly "I am fine" the hedgehog says both Goku and Balto seem equally concerned they could tell something was brewing but what? "If all this is true then we can't afford to waste anymore time" Sonic said Goku would nod in agreement "before you three leave i recommend getting recruits at the very least" Cavalier told them "we'll keep that in mind" Balto replies; Sonic and Goku then rush off into the distance as Balto stays behind to tend to the sickly Mightyena.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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