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The next day - Charlotte's office

Heidi entered the office next to hers to try to calm her friend. She had spent half an hour trying to focus on her work without paying attention to Charlotte's screams, but there was a moment when she could no longer stand them and she got up from her chair to intervene.

- LET IT BE THE LAST TIME THIS HAPPENS! - In front of the raven haired there were about seven employees lined up with their heads bowed while Charlotte walked in front of them. Heidi entered and leaning on the girl's desk she decided to look, she loved it when Charlotte lost her mind. - I'M NOT GOING TO ALLOW IT - the businesswoman walked to the desk and grabbed a lot of papers - These are their resumes - she grabbed one at random and read it - Executive secretary for three years at Waterhouse Coper, I speak three languages, blah, blah, blah - she threw it to the floor and grabbed another - Bachelor of business manager with a doctorate at Yale, etc. Etc.-

She grabbed all the papers and cut them in the middle and then made a rain of paper with them - EVERYTHING FOR WHAT? .... SOMEONE ANSWER... For what Chompu? - she ordered standing in front of her private secretary.

The woman raised her head and sought help in Heidi, she realized that she was not going to find her when she saw the malevolent smile on the girl's face - Miss Austin... we are very sorry...

-The answer is... - she returned to her normal tranquility - Everything so that when your boss wants to take an aspirin and goes to get water to do it and the dispenser is empty - she told the end of the question.

- It's not my…- one of the boys wanted to talk but Charlotte's look made him shut up.

"Out," she said, turning to her desk. None of the employees hesitated for a second to follow the order.

-HEY YOU! - Heidi stopped her own secretary, she didn't care that she had fallen into her partner's challenge - Michele...

- It's Marcel - the girl corrected her

Heidi turned her eyes - Michele, what did I tell you about the skirt? - she asked her, making the young woman look at her dress.

The girl lifted it about five fingers above the knee - Is that okay? - she asked blushing.

-Walk to the door as I told you and then we’ll talk in my office- Heidi said, saying goodbye to her. The woman listened and got out waving her ass as Heidi had taught her.

-You are never going to change huh?- Charlotte reprimanded her.

Heidi waited for all the employees to leave to look at her friend who was already sitting on her throne and with a pen signed papers 

- Hey Cha it's not that it bothers me, because you know that when it comes to torturing people, I love it, but what the hell is wrong with you today? Never in my life have I seen you lose your mind so many times in the same day-she added.

The businesswoman released the pen abruptly and then grabbed her head and rested her elbows on the desk

 -Tell me that you are as worried as I am Heidi. It's six in the afternoon and we still don't know anything - she suddenly let go.

Heidi sighed and walked to the armchair that Charlotte had in her office 

- Because of Weirdy? Of course I am- 

she assured her once she was seated 

- But Charlotte we can't...-

Charlotte came out of her position and stopped nervously to walk through her large office. -Don't tell me anything Heidi, how the fuck did we think of leaving her there? We should have done something. She didn't show up all night - she told her friend.

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