I'm Not For You...

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-WHAT THE FUCK? - The natural light of a beautiful sun pointed directly at her face, someone had dared to open the window.

- MOM! CAN I KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING? - A Charlotte all disheveled and trying to cover her eyes had come out of between the sheets to kill anyone who would have dared to wake her up. The businesswoman grabbed a pillow to throw it at her mother but Mrs. Austin skillfully dodged it.

-I don't hire a beautiful muscular trainer to train me in vain, my daughter,- she explained, dodging the second cushion.

- But mom, we’re sleepy! - we?

-It's time to wake up Charlotte, it's one o'clock and lunch will be ready soon,- the woman announced with a melodic voice.

- Mom, we're not fifteen years old for you to come and wake us up to go to school... - Didn’t understood why the raven haired spoke in plural. The bewildered face of the older woman spoke for itself.

- We are sleepy? To wake us up? You and who else? Did you sleep with someone, Charlotte? Your father is not going to like it at all - she raised her eyebrow showing that it was a skill that was passed on from generation to generation.

Charlotte furrowed her sign - Wait a moment...- she turned her head quickly inspecting the room she was in - I didn't go to bed in this bed, I went to bed in the guest room with... with Eng… ENGFAA!! - she jumped out of bed faster than her mother in her life had seen her do it.

-If I had known that Engfa was going to make you get up quickly, I would of woke her up first,- her mother told her, holding her laughter.

- It's not funny mom - Charlotte protested looking in her suitcase for something to wear.

- That damn brunette always gets away with it, I warned her not to change me from bed - For the little she had seen, the day was going to be beautiful to enjoy it in the pool, therefore, she grabbed her pink gum bikini, which was her favorite and left a lot of skin in the air, she was going to make Engfa suffer for disobeying her once again. She went to the bathroom to change. Her mother followed her but stayed on the other side.

Apparently Isabella was going to spend the whole day with her eyebrow raised.

-I didn't know you slept together,- was a question disguised as an affirmation. Mrs. Austin felt noises in the bathroom and waited patiently for her daughter to come out to answer her.

-We don't do it,- she replied as soon as she left.

-We sleep in the same bed, but we only sleep and we are usually separated by a mountain of cushions,- she explained everything she could without referring to the member of the brunette while covering her bikini with a simple white beach dress.

- And you guys didn’t do it last night? - Isabella shook her head at her bad choice of words - what I mean to say... Didn't you sleep together last night? Because you are in your room and she...

Charlotte covered her face with her own hands and threw herself sighing on her bed - It's... it's complicated... - she said.

- Charlotte... - her mother really wanted to help her.

-It's very complicated,- she repeated.

- Everything with Engfa seems to cost me twice as much - she added opening up to her mother - Last night before the fireworks we talked... - among other things that her mother didn't need to know - And I felt her closer than ever mom but at the same time...-

-At the same time very far away - Isabella completed, getting her daughter to agree with her.

- Then between Heidi and her alcoholic dramas, Tina and her inconsolable crying, the rest of the guests, it was impossible for us to keep talking and I lost sight of her again - she said - I didn't find her until Dad told me that he had seen her enter the house.

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