Trust, Share, Love...

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On the flight back to New York

Heidi, Charlotte and Tina were sitting in that order in a row of three seats at the end of the plane that was going to take them back to the city where they lived.

The three of them were with their arms crossed and wearing a frown that was usually seen in Heidi, from time to time in Charlotte and rarely in the dancer.

At the same time, the three girls were staring and intensely at the front row, it seemed that each one with their gaze wanted to knock down the seat in front of them. Every few minutes they sighed exaggeratedly and in coordination trying to for Engfa notice their discomfort.

Apparently, since their sigh’s didn't work, Heidi and Tina looked at their friend sitting between them to take another type of initiative.

Charlotte accepted the responsibility that was given to her and with her right foot she gave a strong kick to the seat in front of her, nothing happened.

Charlotte squeezed her lips and helped by the arms of her own seat, took more momentum, and dedicated one, even stronger than the previous one, kick to the object of her anger, but nothing. The seat vibrated for a while, but then it stood still as if nothing had happened and the familiar face that the girls expected to see after the impact, was not present.

The businesswoman looked at her friends looking for support and they both nodded. With her hand Charlotte counted up to three, with the third finger raised the three girls gained momentum and kicked the seat in the middle of the front row. They quickly returned to their initial pose with their arms crossed and pretended to be misunderstood. If the boy six rows in front had stood from his place to see what was going on, the body they had in the front row had to do it too.

And so it was. A brown head appeared behind the beaten seat, apparently she had knelt in her own seat to be able to pay attention to the girls.

With a mischievous smile showing her dimple, with a crooked head and an open mouth, Engfa looked at them one by one.

- Yes? Do you need anything? Is something wrong? - she asked them.

As much as Engfa already suspected why the kicks were coming, she was also not willing to get into that terrain with three women who were able to defeat Spartacus only with their sharp tongues and their frightening looks. The brunette was a little silly but not so much.

Charlotte and Heidi snorted and talked at the same time.

- It's okay... Should something happen to us? - Charlotte answered without looking at the girl.

- What happens is not your strange dwarf business, why should you care? - Heidi said looking at her nails.

When the tattoo artist looked at the dancer looking for the missing answer, she only found her looking the other way in angrily way and swinging her right foot strongly.

Engfa raised her shoulders and returned to her seat as if nothing had happened.She grabbed the notebook she had left in the seat, and remained focused on her drawing. She was giving the last touches to the angel wrapped with his own wings and it was looking perfect, in fact it would have been perfect if it were not for the fact that another strong kick in her seat made the little angel boy's nose undergo emergency surgery and one of his wings suffer a serious mutilation. The little angel was ready to star in a horror movie or even worse, ready to star in some kind of unfortunate romantic comedy of those that have hundreds of thousands of protagonists crossing each other and you never finish understanding their ties.

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