I Love You...

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Engfa's apartment

Engfa went up the stairs of the building towards her apartment, step by step, totally exhausted and with her head down.

It's just that since she left Charlotte's bed, her day couldn't have been worse. The brunette shook her head resigned, she should never have gotten out of bed, she should have dedicated herself to kissing Charlotte many more times, touching her, looking at her, making love to her, bathing with her, making love to her in the shower, she should have had breakfast with her and why not, making love to her once again but this time on the breakfast bar. She will have to take advantage of every moment when Charlotte was next to her, after all, the brunette didn't know how long the redhead was going to stand next to her, maybe right now the redhead had already gotten tired of her and didn't want to see her anymore.

Engfa sighed resignedly for having made a bad decision. Instead of staying in bed as her girlfriend asked her to, she had to go to the studio to work. But it wasn't work that tired her, on the contrary, the tattoo she had to do was one of her current favorite techniques. She had to make a beautiful mechanical tattoo, one of those that it seems that if she cracks her skin down there is a robot, on the arm of a nice boy who was so happy with the result of the brunette's drawing that he did not leave the studio until he got another appointment, in two months for the brunette to tattoo his chest. What made her tired and crazy were her employees. First she had to argue again with Wesley because the boy did not respect the desire of a client and changed the design of the tattoo on the fly and without consulting her.When the woman saw her tattoo she put the scream in the sky and with a disconsolate cry, she began to fight with the tattoo artist and tell him all kinds of things.

It all ended when Engfa left her office and managed to calm the client by telling her that she could fix the design or in any case make a new one as she wanted and of course everything for free. Obviously, the woman left the place with a smile from ear to ear, not every day someone gets a Engfa Waraha tattoo for free and without waiting

After Engfa threw Wesley out of the place for the twenty-fourth time, she had to take care of the mess that Keaton was making with her appointments. That morning the brunette had had to drag him out of Tina's bed to go to work, but Keaton had such a hangover that he suspended all the tattoos he had for that afternoon, which would not have been a problem if the tattoos he suspended had not been the same as the ones he had suspended the day before to go early to the dancer's apartment.

The complaints of the customers were felt non-stop and again Engfa had to fix it by promising tattoos made by herself and free of charge while sending Keaton to his house immediately.

And that was not all, as soon as the brunette finished solving those problems, she had to take care of an inconsolable Pez, who cried in the bathroom making use of all her vocal cords and all her reserve of tears. Apparently the girl had had a big fight with her boyfriend, Mistah, and ther fight had put her in such a state that she had practically destroyed a beautiful tattoo of a hummingbird on a girl's ankle. When the brunette examined the tattoo of the obfuscated client, she realized that not only was the drawing misplaced, but that one of the wings of the bird practically came out of her head and the legs were drawn so close together that it seemed that the hummingbird had only one.

Engfa had to ask Nudee to tighten her schedules the next day and place the young woman among them so that the brunette could fix her tattoo.

When she was missing two floors to go up, she took a deep breath again thinking about her bulky schedule. Engfa felt more disappointed than ever by her two friends, and as she went up the stairs she felt more tired than ever. To top it off, she still had the interviews to choose her new roommates. Her psychologist had told her that it was not necessary for her to look for apartment companions again but she wanted to, but she had also told her that meeting strange people would do her good for her relationship with Charlotte and that convinced the brunette in seconds. The problem was that just thinking that she had to meet new people, the tremors appeared on her body and forced the tattoo artist to close her eyes and concentrate on Charlotte's hands caressing her back, or on Charlotte's aroma, or on the Redhead's gorgeous eyes, or whatever it is about Charlotte. Thinking about her girlfriend reassured her but excited her at the same time and having an erection in front of a person who was not her girlfriend, she didn't like it at all.

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