Something good and right and real - Chapter 12

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Chapter 12: you kiss mе and it stops time

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"Stop being mean to them," Oriana said, her amusement pouring all the bond, all over him.

This he loved more than he probably could say. no longer wondering what was going on in that head of hers, just immediately feeling what she was feeling.

They could shield against the bond, even her. He had never outright asked her if she had been trained against a daemati abilities, but it was obvious in the way she handel her mental shields. If she pulled them up, he could feel nothing.

But they weren't up right now. Right now it was just the two of them.

He looked up from where he had been having a staring contest with his own shadows. They took that as permission to creep back all over Oriana.

He glared at her, lounging in their bed, sheets haphazardly thrown over her body.

To say that both of them were a complete and utter mess...well, that was an understatement.

Oriana had indeed been right that the whole mating business came in waves. Once they had sated themselves in each other's bodies, they could just about manage to find a bite to eat, to nap curled together for an hour or two...and then, the need rose again to a fever pitch, making it impossible for either of them to do anything else but go back to sate themselves.

Not that he was ever going to protest about sating himself with his mate's willing and warm body. Nothing mattered as long as he could press himself into her and her body welcomed him in, wet and warm, her moans in his ear as whatever he did pleased her. The feeling of her fluttering around him, her pleasure flooding his mind and her senses...

It was all there. All there.

He had never loved anything more.

For a couple of days, his shadows had disappeared, had left him alone with Oriana, left him to find way after way to bring her to her peak, to have her drench his finger and his mouth in her slick...but today, they showed back up again, poised to crawl all over his mate.

And he didn't like it.

"I am not being mean," he gave back sharply but Oriana only raised a single brow at them. And then she was reaching out a hand towards his shadows, welcoming a tendril that wrapped itself around her wrist, higher and higher.

He tried not to frown at them happily ignoring him in favour of her.

"Don't be jealous of your own shadows, Sweetling," Oriana said, her voice soft. "I love them because they belong to you." And then to his shadows, "Welcome back. I missed you."

He could feel their pleasure at her words and his resolve melted away.

"You are the only person they ever tried to talk to, you know," he said softly, waving to them, giving them his tacit approval. The darkness seemingly heaved as more and more descended onto Oriana, tugging at her hair and the sheet that covered her, making her laugh.

"I am your mate," she responded, losing her tug of war with his shadows and he watched as they prowled all over her naked form. "They are a part of you."

"They are," he agreed. That was the only reason why he even let them crawl all over his naked mate after all. "They do listen to you," he said, still watching them, still watching Oriana playfully flap her hand at them and the shadows responded, tugging at her wrist. She was playing with them. He had seen her do that a few times, the shadows always responding.

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