I breathe flames each time I talk - Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: coming undone

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"Where's Az?" The words of his brother made him look up.

"He's not with you?" Rhys responded, staring at Cassian. They were supposed to meet today.

It was...It was their weekly meeting at the River House. They always all attended. Unless something dire was happening.

"No. I thought he was in Winter?" Cassian responded.

"He came home last evening. The whole thing was a bust," Rhys explained. "He got stuck in a bloody ravine." He had made his displeasure about that clear to Kallias. Still, that wouldn't help Azriel or the bruises that his face had gotten from it.

Cassian grimaced in empathy. "How bad was it? Was he hurt badly?"

"He said he was fine." Definitely fine enough to nearly bite off Rhys's head of that much was certain. Still, that didn't explain where Azriel was.


"And you believed him?" Cassian asked, sounding incredulously.

Rhy wanted to roll his eyes.

"He's a grown-up," he pointed out. And it wasn't like Azriel had given him many an opportunity to be worried about him when he had disappeared before Rhys had even been able to tell him to go see Madja for a pain potion. There wasn't much she could do against the bruises but she could probably do something against the pain. "Besides, my worry wasn't appreciated."

"Have you tried reaching out? It's not like him to be late." And now Cassian sounded like a mother hen. Still, Rhys amused him.

Azriel? he tried once again. Nothing happened. He reached out for his brother's mind. He knew it as well as his own in a sense, easily able to pick out Az and Cass from a crowd, even over loving distances. Something left over from the time when they had been separated by his father. Every evening Rhys had laid in his bed and before falling asleep stretched his abilities to their very limit to brush over Azriel's mind, then Cassian's.

He knew the feel of them, their rhythm...none other would ever compare.

He found Azriel's mind, rapping against the wall.

Nothing happened. No movement. Nothing.

It stayed still in a way that it never did.

Even if Azriel was asleep, this would have woken him. He pushed again, and still nothing.

He could feel the presence of his mind. Azriel was alive, he was definitely in a range where Rhys should be able to pick up his thoughts. But the walls were up, his mind was dark and devoid of anything and...

"Nothing," Rhys told Cassian, swallowing. "I get absolutely nothing, Cass. He's not out of my range, but I get nothing."

"That's not good," Cassian said immediately. He knew what Rhys wasn't saying, understanding him without a second thought.

Azriel. Rhys tried once again. Damnit, Az, wake up!

"No," Rhys agreed.

"I'll go check on his house," Cassian immediately said. "It's as good a place to start as any. See if he arrived back home."

Yes, that was sensible.

"I'll check in with Nuala and Cerridwen," Rhys agreed immediately. "Let me know once you know." Rhys hesitated for a moment. "Thank you, Cassian," he thanked his brother. Cassian stared at him for a moment, inclining his head.

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