Romance is not dead if you keep it just yours - Chapter 1

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Romance is not dead if you keep it just yours

5 Times Cassian thought that Azriel had feelings for somebody and then 1 time he finally met the girl his brother was in love with.

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Chapter 1: The Morrigan

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It all started with a glowing ball thing for Nyx's Birthday.

Azriel, who was notoriously known for absolutely hating to buy gifts for anybody that weren't very practical and needed....bought Nyx a ball filled with glowing magic, which was the kind of thing the Tartera fairies used to give their kids to play with.

Cassian just wondered where Azriel had picked that up. There hadn't been any mention of any missions related to the lesser fairies that lived in the mountains surrounding Velaris, but that didn't necessarily mean anything.


Azriel of all people suddenly being knowledgeable about children's toys?

Well, Cassian had not lived nearly 540 years to find that too weird.

And Nyx loved his glowing ball thing.

So maybe it wasn't that weird.

It was Nyxie's 2nd birthday, of course, they were going to get him gifts.

It was natural. That was what uncles were supposed to do.

"I have seen these before. Tartera use them for their children," Amren said, a comment thrown into the conversation and left there as Azriel murmured something about having gotten it from somebody he knew.

And maybe if it had just been the ball and nothing else...then he would have thought nothing about it.

But it didn't.

A few days later Azriel showed up after a mission, and unceremoniously handed Feyre a few pressed watercolour paints.

Azriel, Azriel who absolutely hated finding gifts for anybody , brought home paints for Feyre because he saw them and thought she would like them.

He wasn't the only one who stared at him at that. Even Rhys seemed more bemused than anything by Azriel handing his mate a couple of paints and then disappearing again.

Still...Cassian wondered. What in the world had brought this one now? Why buy anybody anything that was...well....

It was a thoughtful gift, he needed to admit it. And he was sure that Feyre appreciated the paints.

But still.

More intel was clearly needed. Maybe it was just a one-off. Who knew what was happening in Azriel's brain most of the time?

Cassian loved his brother. He liked to think that he knew him after over 500 years.

And then something happened and he wondered if any of them even knew Azriel at all. Tightly controlled, protective but still with a fierce temper that took a long time to rise but when it did...then his name of Lord of Bloodshed made him look like a puppy against Azriel.

Azriel waited and waited and then stroked out viper quickly and far harsher than needed.

Days later, Azriel handed Nesta two hairpins that also doubled as Stiletto Blades.

Just as beautiful and deadly as Cassian's mate.

They were works of art. Even somebody as uncultured as Cassian could see that. A pair of quicksilver, lightly curved things that were carefully and painstakingly engraved. The rubies at the top seemed to glow, nearly matching Cassian's syphons.

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