1 | It Runs In The Family

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Hinata was 12 when he had the talk with his parents.

"Hajime, sweetie," His mother began, gently placing a box on the table. "Your dad and I wanted to talk to you about something,"

"About what?"

She opened the box and carefully- very carefully- placed the object that was inside on the table. It was a four leaf clover made out of gold. "You might have seen this before," She said. "I got it from my mother. And she got it from hers. And she got it from her father and so on. Point is, this thing is very, very old. And unbelievably important,"

"I can tell. It's gold,"

"Important, is the point. Not expensive. This has been handed down from generation to generation in my family. Our family. And it is our duty to protect it with our lives."


"Because it is the hiding spot of a God. The God is trapped in here and they're making sure that the earth is peaceful and well. We have to protect that God so they can keep taking care of the planet,"

"What??" Hinata furrowed his eyebrows. "This is a stupid joke, mom. It's not even funny,"

"Hajime." His father warned. "Listen to your mother,"

"It's not a joke at all, sweetie." She rubbed the clover and it began glowing. "See? It's magical,"


His mother raised her hands and they began to glow too. She pointed at a glass and it broke. "These powers run in our family. You're old enough to begin training them now, Hajime,"

"What the..? How did you do that??"

"Magic." She pushed a glass in front of him. "Here, try it,"

Hinata focused hard. He pointed at the glass and, just like with his mother before, it broke.

"What?!" Hinata exclaimed. "H-how in the-?!"

"It runs in our family, Hajime." She smiled at him. "And once you move out, you'll be the next protector of the God,"

He nodded. "Okay. I'll protect them,"

"And this is serious. You have to protect them with your life, Hajime. Your uncle and I will teach you how to fight with your powers in case anything happens,"


A week later, they began the training.


"Come on, focus, Hajime!" His uncle shouted. "Focus as hard as possible and then-!"

Hinata gritted his teeth, pointing both his hands at an old wooden table. Finally, it broke. "I did it!" He exclaimed.



"Mom, it won't work! It's impossible!" Hinata complained.

"You can do it, sweetie," she told him. "Just try again,"

He pointed at a closet and lifted his hands up to the sky. Finally, it worked and the closet began floating around.



Hinata jumped over a table, continued running, climbed up a tree quickly and then jumped down, landing on a mattress. He made the mattress float with him on top of it.

"You did it, Hajime!!" His mother cheered. "Good job!"



Hinata kicked a small tree and it fell over. "Hell yeah! Mom, I'm the best!"

"You are! That was amazing!"



Hinata grabbed his father, threw him over his shoulder and ran up the stairs with him. He jumped out the window and landed in the pool. The brunet swam to the other side and pulled his dad out of the pool.

Soaking wet, his father gave him a smile. "Good job, buddy,"



Hinata grabbed his mother with one arm and his father with the other.

"Sorry if I hurt you guys!" He shouted in advance before beginning to run. He jumped over a car and landed steady on his feet.



Hinata's cousin, a trained wrestler, landed on the ground. Hinata picked him up, held him over his head and threw him down again.

"Dude, you're a machine!" His cousin chuckled.



Hinata ripped the toilet out of the wall with his powers. "Easy as pie," he said.

"All you needed to do was fix the flush..." His mother said.



Hinata stacked the boxes on top of each other using his powers.

"Our little boy has grown so much..." Ms. Hinata whiped her tears. Her husband rubbed her back.

"Call us as much as possible, buddy. We're always here if you need help," His father said.

"Thanks, dad. I love you guys." He pulled his parents into a hug. "See you soon,"

A while later, Hinata entered his apartment. He took a deep breath. He had officially moved out now. Everything was set up. Well... almost everything.

He grabbed the box with the clover and opened it. Still intact. Good.

"Guess I'm your protector now," he said, gently placing a hand on the clover. "I'll protect you with my life, don't worry. You're in good hands. I promise,"

Now, he knew this was serious, but he was curious. What would happen if he... used his magic on the clover?

Carefully, he tried it out. The clover began to glow and shake.

"Shit!" Hinata looked around. "Fuck fuck fuck... Did I break it?!"

♡ Protecting You | Hinakoma/Komahina ♡Where stories live. Discover now