22 | Dead

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A leg stepped out of the portal. "The Hinata family," a famillar voice said. "How sweet." Genshi stepped into the living room.

"Fuck off!" Hinata shouted. "You're not getting Komaeda! I'll stop you no matter what!"

She laughed. "You and what army?"

"Him and me." Mrs. Hinata said. "I don't know who you are, but if you try to hurt my family or Komaeda-"

"Hey!" Servant complained.

"-or that guy, I guess-, I will stop you!"

"Nice to meet you." She said. "Genshi, Godess of death. Komaeda's mother,"

"A mother, huh?" Mrs. Hinata smirked. "Then we have something in common. Except I don't abuse my children!" She shot at Genshi's shoulder with her powers.

Genshi grabbed her neck and held her up. "Shut your mouth. Unlike me, you have a loving husband!" She threw her against a wall.

"Mom!" Hinata screamed in fear. Then, he turned to the Godess, eyes red with fury. "That's it." He pointed at the couch and it began to float. He smashed it against Genshi's head, making the Godess stumble, but not fall over.

"No one messes with Komaeda. And no one, absolutely no one, messes with my mom!" His hair turned white as he shouted. He walked towards the Godess and punched her in the face several times. She grabbed his wrist and broke it.

"Hajime!" His father shouted. "Izuru, call an ambulance-!"

"No!" Komaeda ran to Hinata and touched his wrist. It healed in an instant.

"Get behind me, Komaeda." Hinata commanded.

As Genshi lifted her hand, two hands wrapped around her neck from behind and began to choke her. "You thought you were done with me that easily?" Mrs. Hinata whispered into her ear, grinning. "I've been waiting for this moment since I was 12 and I'm not letting anyone take it away from me,"

"Ngh! Hh-!" Genshi tried to breathe, but it was getting harder by the second. "Argghhh!" She screamed as spikes began forming on her back and arms. She began to grow and black liquid flowed down from her eyes. "You mortals think you can defeat the Godess of death herself?" She asked and laughed. "I will crush your souls under my boot!"

"No, you won't!" Komaeda shouted. Servant gasped when he noticed the transformation from earlier begin again. His hair began growing, the floor began cracking. "And they may be mortals, but I'm not!" He pointed at himself. "I'm the God of safety!" He stated, clear as day. "And I won't let you endanger my protectors!" Flowers pushed themselves through the ground and began wrapping around her legs. Thunder roared outside.

Hinata groaned. "Why is your dad, no offense, always so fucking passive?? Dude is always raining or storming, but he doesn't do shit other than that!"

"Hinata-kun, Hinata-san, attack her!" The young God shouted.

"Hajime." Mrs. Hinata looked at her son.

"Mom." Hinata looked at his mother.

They each grabbed one of Genshi's hands and began shooting their power through her body as she screamed in agony. "...why am I so weak today..?" She whispered. "No matter. I will simply have to get some backup!" She laughed loudly and raised her hands. Ghosts, mummies, skeletons and all sorts of renditions of the undead began storming the house.

"Dad, Izuru, Servant, get to safety!" Hinata shouted. "Komaeda, you too!"

"No way!"

"Get to safety, Komaeda, this is a command!"

"No!" A skeleton and a mummy began ripping at his arms. Hinata grabbed a kitchen knife and stabbed both of them in the head. "I'm not leaving you- ah!" Komaeda was pushed to the ground.

"Komaeda, go!" Mrs. Hinata shouted as well.

Genshi grew even more. She grabbed Komaeda in one hand as her head went through the roof of the house, destroying it. Sirens could be heard in the distance.

"Let go of me!" Komaeda shouted. Hinata climbed onto a closet and jumped towards her arm. He stabbed the knife into her wrists, causing her to let the God fall down. Hinata landed on the ground and caught him. "Please just get to safety. I can't have you getting hurt- Argh! Oh my God! Fuck fuck fuck!" Tears formed in his eyes as a big spike went through his foot. Komaeda tapped it and the wound healed.

"I told you, I'm here to heal you so I won't be too late if you get hurt badly." He kissed his cheek. "I can't let you get hurt. I love you, Hinata-kun." He confessed.

The brunet's eyes widened. "You do?"

"I do," He nodded, smiling softy.

"I, uh... I lo-" A spike went right through his chest.

"Hajime!" Mrs. Hinata screamed at the top of her lungs. He fell to the ground.

"Hinata-kun, no!" Komaeda put his hand on him, but the wound wouldn't heal. "I'm sorry! I-I'm so sorry! I-I shouldn't have distracted you, I- No!" He screamed. The undead slowly disappeared. Komaeda looked up at his mother.

"Look at what you've done!" He shouted.

"I told you. If I can't find love neither can you." She stated. Komaeda began to cry.

"No... no... No!" He shouted. "This is unfair! That's so unfair! None of this was his fault!"

Mrs. Hinata wrapped her arms around Hinata's cold, dead body. She sobbed into his chest. "My son..." she whispered. "M-my... my little boy... my baby..." her tears hit his lifeless body. "M-my... my little baby... h-how... how could I let this happen..?"

Mr. Hinata and the others entered the house again.

"No!" He screamed. "Hajime!" He began pounding his hands on his chest, despite the giant hole inside it. "C'mon, buddy, wake up! Wake up! D-don't give up, Hajime!"

Tears rolled down Komaeda's face. It began to rain. Haruto appeared behind his son. "...little cloud?" He asked softly. His son ran towards him and cried into his chest. "I loved him, father! Sh-she killed him!"

"I know, angel, I know." Haruto rubbed his back. "I know, my little angel. He was a good man. And a good protector. He died in the battle he fought to protect you. Hinata Hajime will go down in history,"

"No! He shouldn't! H-he should be alive and- and going to lectures a-and I-I would sit in the- in the library and read and h-he would pick me u-up and we would go ho-home and- and..."

"I know, I know." Haruto kissed the top of his head.

Komaeda hadn't cried like this in 671 years.

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