4 | University

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Komaeda got up the next morning in Hinata's bed. The brunet had slept on the couch. The pale man got up and made his way to the kitchen.

"Good morning, Hinata-kun!" Komaeda called out. "How are you feeling?"

"Morning." Hinata said, packing his bag. "I gotta go now. Make yourself at home and don't leave, okay?"

"Where are you going?"


"Ah, what is that?"

"A place where I study. Sorta like school,"

"Could I come with you?"

Hinata shook his head, putting on his shoes. "No, I can't watch out for you there,"

"I promise not to cause any trouble," Komaeda told him.

"You can promise all you want, but if someone tries to get you into trouble, you can't do anything about it. Besides, you don't have any appropriate clothes,"

Komaeda clapped his hands together and his fancy kimono changed into a more casual one. "Better?"

"Not really,"

He clapped his hands again and was now wearing the same outfit as Hinata.

"That's even worse. If you could just clap to change your outfit, why did you ask me to lend you clothes?"

"I thought it would maybe bring us closer." He clapped his hands again so he was wearing a school uniform.

"You're too old for that," Hinata said. "What about a simple T-shirt and pants?"

"That's so boooring..." He whined.

"A T-shirt, pants and a jacket?"

"Deal!" He clapped his hands to wear jeans, a white shirt and a green jacket. "Now can I come with you?"

"No." Hinata put on his jacket.

"Why? I swear I'll behave!"

"University is boring. You won't like it there anyway,"

"I will!" He exclaimed. "I love humans! I love getting to see what they do all day!"

Hinata sighed and Komaeda grinned at that. "Fine. Let's go."

"Yay!! You're the best!" He squealed.


"This place is huge, Hinata-kun! It's so exciting!!"

"You can walk around, but don't enter any rooms, okay? Except, I guess, the library,"

"A library? Oh my gosh, where is it?? I love reading books!"

Hinata chuckled at his excitement. "Let me show you the way." He grabbed his hand and lead him through the halls. "Here it is." He pointed at a door. "Just stay quiet and don't bother anyone,"

"I know how to behave in a library, I'm not a child," Komaeda said. "Have fun in your boring lectures!" He waved goodbye before opening the door.


Komaeda grabbed several books and sat down in a cozy corner. He was so excited!! He loved learning.

He read so long he lost sight of the time. Hinata would surely come pick him up once he went home.

The door creaked as it was opened.

"Komaeda?" A voice whispered. "I'm done here. Wanna go home?"

The pale man got up as Hinata walked towards him. "The hell..? Gods and their protectors? Is this book about me?" He chuckled.

"I don't know. I didn't get to read it yet,"

"Sounds interesting. I think I'll take it home with me." He picked it up. "Do you wanna take anything home?"

"No, I'll read the rest once you go here again." He grabbed the other books and put them back into the shelves as Hinata signed the paper to borrow the book. They made their way back to the car after that.

"What are you studying?"


"Law? Do you want to be an attorney?"

"You know about attorneys?"

"Mhm. I read about them just now," Komaeda explained.

"Cool. Uh, yeah, I want to be an attorney." He unlocked the car and got inside. "You said you were awake before, right? Why'd you fall asleep?"

"...I do not want to talk about it." He sat down and buckled up once he saw Hinata doing so.

"But how did your life go? You were born, fell asleep for a few hundred years and now you are awake again?"

"Sort of, yes,"

"Sounds boring,"

Komaeda leaned his head against the window. "It is rather sad. Every human I knew before I fell asleep is dead now,"

"You don't know that,"

"I fell asleep in 1356,"

"Oh. Then they probably are, yeah,"

Komaeda frowned. "I wish I could have talked things out with him..." He whispered.


"Nothing." He hugged himself.

Hinata pat his thigh, trying to comfort him. "No need to be sad. You'll be fine." He smiled awkwardly.

Komaeda let out a sigh.

♡ Protecting You | Hinakoma/Komahina ♡Where stories live. Discover now