12 | Past

78 5 33

TW: past SA, violence. Please do not read if those topics trigger you, please inform me if I treated the topics carelessly or with disrespect. That is never my intention. Nothing is described in great detail, but please proceed reading with cation.

"Here." Hinata placed the clover on the table.

"Uhm, when I met Hayate, I had been awake my whole life. I fled into the clover and now my memories from before I fell asleep are locked inside it,"

"So... that Hayate guy, he... protected you? Like, your body. And not the clover?"

"Exactly. Much like what you are doing right now, except the clover was not tied to my godly presence at all during that time. I just had it and I happened to be a God." He put his hands on the clover. "If you want to know what happened with Hayate and I, you need to touch the clover,"

"Uh... am I gonna regret this?" Hinata asked, hesitantly putting his hands over the clover, not yet touching it.

"Maybe. But not as much as I regret ever talking to Hayate,"

The brunet took a deep breath and put his hands on the clover.

A vision appeared in his mind. It was as though he was watching a movie or dreaming even though he was awake.

Komaeda stood in the rain. He looked younger than he did now.  Maybe sixteen to eighteen. He was wearing a light pink kimono and a beautiful flower headdress.

A young woman approached him. "Komaeda-sama?" She asked, bowing down. "I apologize for letting you stand in the rain for so long,"

"There is no need to apologize. I do not mind the rain. It reminds me of my father,"

She smiled and stood up straight. "How sweet. If you are ready, I would like to introduce you to your protector now,"

"I am ready,"

"Then please follow me." The woman lead him to a temple. Komaeda looked around. People were staring at him. They entered the temple and she brought him to a room.

"Hinata-sama?" She called out. The door opened and she bowed down again.

Out came a man. He was tall, muscular, handsome and a grown adult. Probably twenty-two to twenty-eight. He had a friendly smile on his face.

He looked a look like Hinata Hajime.

"Hinata no Hayate. At your service, my God." He bowed down and kissed Komaeda's hand.

"It's a pleasure to meet you," Komaeda said.

"A real pleasure to meet you too, little God." He smiled. "Sato, you can go now. Thanks." He said to the woman and she left without a word. "I was told you want to explore the world safely. I would love to make that happen. And do not worry, I am certified to protect you. I am the greatest samurai around,"

"Then please show me around this city,"

"Gladly." He put an arm around Komaeda's shoulder and lead him out of the temple.

Hinata looked at Komaeda. "Guy seems like a damn creep. But uh... was that all?"

"Of course not. Oh, I feel sick again..."

"You don't have to show me if you don't want to,"

"No, I will! Because you've seriously been kind to me. You deserve the truth." He put his hand back on the clover and the vision started once again.

The two men were walking through a forest. Komaeda was smiling softly. Hayate had a katana in his hand, ready to attack if he had to.

"Nature is so beautiful," Komaeda said.

♡ Protecting You | Hinakoma/Komahina ♡Where stories live. Discover now