When you meet~

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A/N: I don't censor myself, so if you don't like cussing then get the fuck out of here!

Kaneki: (He's an innocent poop rite now, just sayin!)

You're sitting in your favorite cafe; Anteiku drinking coffee as usuall, considering you're a ghoul, it's pretty much the only thing you can order here. You know the ones whom work here, they're actually good friends of yours, you worked here once but you decided you wanted to go work by yourself. You hate the fact that you have to eat creatures that are so much alike yourself, but you always gag at the thought of canibalism. You look around the small cafe and spot a male that was reading a book, you got curious for some reason and wanted to know more about the dark haired male. Taking a last sip of your coffee you rise from your seat and leave some money for Touka or any of the other waiters to get; as mentioned you were close to them so you just leave some money on the table because you know the exact prize just don't question it. You make you way towards the man and ask him "what're you reading?" he looked up at you and smiles brightly "oh, i-it's nothing" he says, a blush painted on his cheeks "oh... You looked really into it" you say "do you mind?" you ask and point at the chair in front of him "huh? oh! No, not at all" he's so polite! You sit down "thanks, what's your name?" you ask "Kaneki Ken, you?" he replies and holds out a hand for you to take "(l/n) (f/n)" (from what I've learned the Japanese say their last name first; if I'm wrong please correct me!) you take his hand and shake it before continuing your conversation.

Time skip because I got the power~

You and Kaneki hit it of really well! You got to know each other and turns out you have so much in common! "So what do you like to do besides reading?" you ask your new found friend and he shrugs "Does eating burgers count?" he asks and you giggle "yeah, sure!" he chuckles before asking me the same question which i reply with "Internet, food,TV, sleep, being lazy... You know normal stuff~" he chuckles again before glancing at his watch "oh..." he mumbles "what?" you ask as he stands up "looks like I have to go now, but if I could get your number we coul hang out sometimes?" I blush lightly before nodding whilst saying "of course!" I walk over to Touka and ask for a pen and paper before scribbling my number down and handing it to Kaneki "there!" I chirp before handing him the note "thanks, I'll see you later" he says and waves good bye and I return the gesture.


Today is your first day of school in Japan; lucky for you, you're a weeaboo and have studied Japanese culture and language! You use your map you got to help you around (I don't frigging know if that's a thing, I've never moved country nor city; in fact I've never moved at all!), you make your way towards your first class and enter the room right before the bells ring, students flow into the class room and someone; a fucking potato you just know you'll never get along with whom has long dark brown hair and enough make-up to please a clown push you down onto the ground! You huff before trying to collect the papers you managed to drop and you hear snickering from what seems like the jocks "fick dich (according to google translate that's fuck you in german...)" they don't understand shit, yay for you! A hand suddendly appears from nowhere as you're about to pick up your map and you accidently lay your hand on top of it, you quickly move your hand and blush as you look up to a pair of chocolate brown eyes and you blush even more "t-t-tha-nks" you manage to stutter and he chuckles before replying "no problem, you must be new!" you nod your head before taking the piece of paper and bowing "Thank you" you say again before the teacher makes his way in to the classroom. "Okay everybody, we have a new student here with us, would (l/n)-San please come up to the board and introduce yourself?" the teacher says and you gulp before stepping up to the white board and introduce youself to the class. "H-hello, my name is (l/n) (f/n) and I like to eat, sleep and spend most of my time on the internet..." you say and some of the students chuckles/giggles, making you bite your lip (me: KYUT! (>^3^)>). In the end you got seated besides that dude whom helped you pick up your papers. Turns out his name is Hideyoshi but he told you to just call him Hide. You got to hang with him and his friend Ken, basically this was a good day!

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