You become friends

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Kaneki invited you to the movies and almost everyone thought you were a god damn couple, after that you went to eat some burgers and when it was time to get home ya hugged! You started hanging out quite often actually and you became like best friends! You usually joke around and you, as the silly ghoul you are, boops his nose all the time, which he hates, which is one of the reasons you do it...


The next day of school you hung with Hide and Ken yet again! You were so happy that you got to become friends with them! Today you got into class like a pro and avoided Arisus', the girl whom pushed you at your first day of school, glares and attemps to make your day sucky. If she tried confronting you, Hide would stick up to you, he's a great friend and your happy you two met! After a while you started to hang outside of school and you usually go to his place and play random games or go to Anteiku with Ken.


You decided not to call the number you so randomly got from that stranger, bad idea... You two met yet again and he smirked so evilly that you wondered if he was satan himself! Basically he made you hang out with him, but in the end, you quite enjoyed his company and this time you gave him your number. You actually started hanging out more often and you usually hang out at your place chilling and talking about random shit.


You were chasing after a ghoul with your big butcher knife and finally managed to get him when you bumped into Juuzou! "Oh, HEY (f/n)-CHAN!!" the male exclaimed and you smiled brightly "Hello Juuzou-Kun!" you replied. You ended up hanging all day! You two quickly became best friends and started hanging really often, you usually just walk around Tokyo, stop by some candy shops and hunt ghouls together.


You were walking down the street when you saw that ginger from before! Damn that dude is creepy... Hot, but creepy... You decided to just turn around and walk home, but that didn't really go to plan. He managed to spot you and as you were passing an alley you were kicked, you coughed up blood and he picked you up by your shirt so you were hovering in the air. His eyes suddenly became like a ghouls and your eyes widen a fraction before you did something really stupid; you spit in his face... He got enraged and just as he were about to hit you in the face he all of the sudden stopped and just walked away without any word. The same day you ran into him yet again and decided to confront him, he just ignored you and you ended up getting pissed and tried punching him which you failed at and you fell face first onto the ground, making him laugh at you. After that you hung out, even though he almost killed you, he didn't! Turned out you actually have a lot in common and you two started hanging out quite a lot! You usually hang out in his appartment or walk around town, sometimes stopping to get some coffee for him and tea for you. You don't care that he's a ghoul, he's you friend! (sorry that this one is super long!)


You were eating a serial killer when you saw Amon again, only this time he was with someone, you decided to flee and luckily you got away... Or so you thought, when you got out of your hiding place, you spotted Amon, only this time he was alone, he spotted you too and smile at you making you smile back. You two met up and started talking, and ended up taking really, really, really long! You just love talking to him, he's so interesting and funny! You started hanging out quite often and you usually walk in the streets og Tokyo talking or hang out at his or your place.


It wasn't long after you met that man again, in the same mask and attire. Curiosity hit you and you decided to talk to him. He didn't answer you questions nor did he move an inch, when you got angry you smirked evilly and took his mask yolo-ing like a pro and ran a few meters before he grabbed your arm and simply took his mask away from you. So it became a daily routine, you bothering him and him never answering. Why did he always come to the same place? You had no idea! After days of bothering him he finally answeres which made you gasp so hard you don't even know! And in the end he actually talked to you, you guys really hit it of and that became the new daily routine! You always try to get him to try new stuff in which he just say "no" but you managed to befriend the one who saved your life, and you'll always be grateful.


Your first day at the shop wasn't as bad as you thought it would be. You had to put up with endless teasing, but Uta is really nice even though his facial expression rarely changes. You guys started talking and you found out that you have a lot in common, and in the end you got a full-time job at the shop. You help Uta with cleaning, taking care of customers and a lot more! And you always look forward to the next day of work. Uta and you became friends easily and you keep on teasing each other. You love hanging with him and you often stay at the shop longer than you intend to, you two hang out almost all the time.


Tsukiyama and you had run into each other one day and you ended up talking for hours! I mean you two are both really into gourmet and trying new types of food... Human flesh... Whatever. You were quickly taken in to the club and you watch all the fights with Tsukiyama at the best seats ever! You two love hanging out and if anyone messes with you, Tsukiyama will murder them at the spot, pretty handy if you ask me. You two can't get enough of each other and almost everyone thinks you are dating, but in reality you two are just so much alike that you just love each others company.

A/N: Some of these scenarios can be a little OOC, but I'm trying my best! Hope you enjoyed reading, because I definetly loved writing this for you! Remember to leave suggestions so I can keep this story going a while!

Love PlzzNoticeMeSenpai~

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