OMG! He asks you out!

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A/N: Before I start this chapter I want you to give me some suggestions for some different scenarios! The next chapter will of course be 'your first date' but after that I could use some help to keep this story going for as long as possible! Thanks for reading this and I hope you got some ideas for future scenarios :^)


Finding out that Kaneki has become a half ghoul was hard to take in but you managed... You're currently paying Kaneki a visit in his appartment. "Hey, (Y/N)-Chan?" you look up to Kaneki and smile "Yes, Kaneki-Kun?" you reply and he suddenly starts blushing, he scratches the back of his head and you cock your head slightly to the side giving him a confused look "are you okay?" you ask in a worried tone, he nods his head "Willyoupleasegooutwithme(Y/N)-Chan?" he asks extremely quickly and you just sit there confused, trying to make out what he just said... "Could you please say that sentence a little slower?" you ask him and his blush gets even worse "I-I w-was wondering i-i-if you wanted t-to go out w-with m-m-me...?" he stutters and look away in embarrasment, your (s/c-skin colour)features went to a deep shade of red before a smile makes its way onto your lips and you hug before shouting "OF COURSE I WILL YOU DORK!!" he chuckles and hugs you back.


You walk in the shop and look around for Hide until your eyes land upon a familiar face. You walk up to Hide and smile "Hey, (Y/N)-Chan, are you okay? You sounded a little upset on the phone..." Hide says and you nod whilst smiling "Yeah, I'm fine, just Arisus..." you explain and Hide nods "I see" he mumble and you sit down in the chair reserved for you "What's up?" you ask and look up to Hide and you spot a slight blush onto his features "I... uh... (Y/N)?" he asks as his blush gets worse "Yes?" you reply and he sighs before saying "Um, I thought it would be better if I told you this in person..." his words worry you slightly "continue..." you say and he chuckles nervously "Well, I've kind of had a crush on you for a while now... And I was wondering -only if you want to of course- if you want to go out with me?" he asks and you sigh happily and say "you almost gave me a heart attack you baka, I thought you didn't want to be friends anymore... Of course I'll go out with you, I thought you'd never ask!" he sighs in relief and smiles brightly and so do you "Want to get out of here?" he asks and you nod. (Didn't he order anything? Well damn...)


"Go out with me!"


"Because I said so"

"what if I don't want to?"

"For fucks sake (Y/N)!"

"Okay, okay! God, calm your fucking tits!"

"Sorry, no can do"


(Sorry, I had to! I couldn't resist!)


"Ne, (Y/N)-Chan?" your new partner asks and you turn to the cute little potato you've fallen for "yes, Suzuya-San?" you reply and smile brightly "I have a question for you!" Suzuya exclaims and you hum in response signalizing for him to continue "Well, I heard from my co-workers that if you really like someone you ask them out on a 'date'" he starts rambling and you giggle slightly to yourself "go on!" you say and Suzuya grins widely before saying "Will you go out with me (Y/N)-Chan?" he asks and you turn to him, a little shocked (Kind of obvious reader-chan...) "Suzuya-San, asking someone out means that you want more than just friendship, it's when you want a relationship with that significant other, like kissing and stuff..." you explain and Suzuya nods exitedly "I know! That's why I'm asking you!" he exclaims and you smile brightly before embracing Juuzou mumbling "Of course I'll go out with you! You little potato!"

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