First kiss <3 *intense eyebrow wiggle*

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A/N: GASP!!! I'm not dead!?!?! Sorry for not updating in a month! There has been a few technical difficulties and then there's school... But holy cow!!! 1k reads!?! I thought I'd get like two or something! Thank you <33 BTW I read the comments! I wont be calling Nishiki for Nishio anymore, since Nishio is his last name ^-^


You are scrolling through tumblr (Mine is differenkidduck BTW... I repost lots of steven universe and gravity falls... and a little homestuck... and random shit #selfpromoting) when Kaneki walks in, he sits down besides you and lay his arm around your shoulder "What're you doing?" he asks and you look at him and smile "Oh, I'm just scrolling through tumblr" you say and he chuckles "Cool" he say and lay his head on your shoulder, his arms now wrapped around your waist. You look at him and smile, you kiss his forehead and as you're about to pull away, he stops you and smash his lips onto yours. He pulls away and casually walk out of the room... "Whoah..."


"I'm bored!" you groan and lean dramatically onto Hide whom is obviously annoyed by your current behavior "Then do something..." he sigh and you groan even louder "But there's nothing to dooooo!" you complain and roll onto the floor face first "ow..." you mumble into the floor. Hide chuckles and helps you up "You're so weird" he mumble and lift your chin up to look at him, you blush and bite your lower lip "I know..." you say and he chuckles yet again before kissing you passionately and goes back to what he was doing before.


You and Ayato are walking down the street when some guys cat calls you, you turn to them and give them the bird. They just chuckle and take it as some kind of invitation and make their way towards you and Ayato "Hey girl, how 'bout you come with us and ditch that loser" the leader say and cups your chin with his giant hands -no, seriously, they're like Hagrid's hands- Ayato is clearly pissed beyond belief and you barely manage to drag him away before he started to chew those fuckers out like pieces of gum. As you turn into this alley Ayato pinns you to the wall and growl "You're mine, and mine only! If anyone starts flirting with ever again I'll kill them in a heartbeat!" he then grabs your face and starts kissing you roughly before letting you go and starts walking again.


Juuzou is sitting on the floor and drawing whilst you, you're just thinking about how it would be kissing him... What if he's, like, the god of kissing? You didn't realize that you've been staring at him for the last ten minutes now and Juuzou is starting to get kind of worried. You snap back to reality and starts to grin before walking up to Juuzou and quickly peck his lips. As you're about to turn away and leave, he grabs your arm and pull you down onto the floor with him and kiss you with so much passion that your panties are about to drop (sorry... xD). He pulls away and grin before going back to drawing, you glance at the drawing and smile warmly... You and him holding hands with lots of hearts surrounding you two~ (cuteness overload!!)


The wind is tugging at your fragile figure as you're walking down the empty streets looking for Nishiki. He haven't replied to your attempts to reach him for the past two days, which worries you considering he usually replies in a heartbeat. When the clock reach midnight you finally give up and walk home. When you finally get home you let the tears fall, what if he's cheating!? You haven't kissed yet and you've been together for almost two weeks now! That's a lot to you! Someone knocking on your door pulls you out of your trance and you wipe the tears before opening the door to... "Nishiki?" he nods his head before walking in the door "Sorry i haven't replied to you lately..." he mumbles and you bite your lower lip. "Is this going to work?" he asks and your eyes widen as you stare at him, his facial expression showing sadness "What!? Do you want to leave me!?" so many questions are clouding your mind and his eyes widen "Of course not! It's just that... We haven't even kissed yet and I feel like you don't want to be with me" he mutter and you feel yourself grow angry. You grab the hem of his sweater and pull him into a kiss before saying "Asshole, of course I want to be with you!" making him chuckle and you kiss him once more, this time more gentle.


The door opens and Amon steps in, clearly exhausted and you giggle slightly "Tired?" you ask and he chuckles "What gave it away?" he asks sarcastically and you point your tongue at him, he walks up to you and hug you from behind and rest his head upon your shoulder "What're you doing?" he asks and you turn to him and say "Netflix" and he just chuckles. Silence fills the room as he sits down next to you "What're you watching?" he asks and you turn to him and reply "(Fave Cartoon- f/ctoon)" "Isn't this made for children?" You turn to him and point your tongue at him, he smirks and lean in and try to kiss you, but you turn your head making him frown. He leans back in the seat and huffs, you smirk before glomping him and you place a gentle kiss onto his surprisingly soft lips.


He casually walks in while you're doing the dishes and you turn to him with a smile, he embraces you and lift your chin up and kiss you passionately taking you by surprise, he then casually walks towards your couch and sit down and watch TV "o-oh..."


Uta says good bye to his last customer and locks the shop after they've left. You grab the broom and start to dust the floors whilst humming to your favorite song. Two strong arms embrace you from behind making you giggle softly. His lips leave soft kisses on your neck and you turn around in the embrace, dropping the broom in the process. You wrap your arms around his neck and kiss his lips -a bit more roughly then you intended- and he chuckles into the rough, yet gentle kiss.


You fall to the ground with a puddle of blood forming around you. Screams of agony is heard and you feel yourself being picked up from the ground by a pair of slender, yet strong arms. You haven't eaten in two weeks, so your regeneration is a tad slow. You look up to a worried Tsukiyama and you smile softly "hey..." you mumble and he smiles before replying with a soft "hi" you should've eaten some before you went out, then it wouldn't take so god damn long to recover. You enter the building and you're immediately taken to his room. He lays you down onto the bed and kiss your forehead, unsatisfied you gently grab the hem of his red shirt and kiss him softly.

====> They catch you self-harming

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