He develops feelings for you

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Kaneki feels kind of weird when he's around you, he's not sure why? It all started when you accidentally touched his lap... For some reason his heart spun and everytime he's with you he can't help but to stare into your (e/c) eyes and he starts wondering how your lips taste. He's so confused, does he like you? Or is it something else?


Hide knew from the moment you accidentally layed your hand on his there was something special about you, and everytime he sees you he gets kind of shy. He wants to hold your hand, but, he don't know if you'd accept. Everytime he closes his eyes, flashes of you appear in his mind. He never stops thinking about you, you're his everything...


He always thought you were pretty, but his intentions was to just use you before throwing you away, but now he wants to protect you from everything! He wont let anything come between you and him, he knows from the bottom of his heart that you're special to him and if anyone or anything even tries to touch you, it's dead! 


He always liked you, just not in a loving way, at least in the beginning. He wants to be with you all the time, and whenever you're not around he feels empty... You're his happiness and he'll do anything for you, and if anything hurts you he'll torture it! Even if it was a rock! You make him walk on clouds, and he don't know what would happen if you ever left him...


He hated you at first, but that was until he was about to murder you, the innocence in your eyes made him stop. He didn't know what that was about until now, you are his everything, and without you, he's nothing. He rarely smiles, but the only thing that can truly bring a smile onto his features is the thought of you.


He don't care that you're a ghoul, you're far to special to him! From the moment he first laid his eyes on you he knew you were different from the rest, he loves you from the bottom of his heart, and he'll do absolutely anything for you. He loves your smile and everything about you is perfect to him. He can find no flaws about you, not even the fact that you're a ghoul.


He always soften up around you, he don't know why, but it just happens. Whenever you laugh he feel happy and he can actually be himself around you... He really likes you and will protect you from all the dangers out there, and if he ever loses you, he don't know if he'll ever be happy again...


To him, you're nothing but pure perfection. Your style, your features, your laugh, your humor; it's all perfect. And whenever you have to bend down to clean, he can't help but sneak peak at your perfect butt. He loves teasing you and he loves the fact that you tease him, even though he rarely shows any emotions, much like Yomo, you're one of the very few that can make him smile.


If anything hurts you, it's dead... If anything touches you, it's dead... You're his and nobody elses, so if anyone tries flirting with you, he got himself a meal. Once he saw someone touch your butt, let's just say that, that person, is no longer with us... He knows your not dating or anything, but if a guy or girl looks at you, he glares daggers at them and quietly growls.

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