Chapter 1 Julie

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Chapter 1.


High school sucks I say to Ruby. You would think at some point popularity wouldn't matter so much anymore. Julie, when has that ever been anything to happen? Asked Ruby. I reply with I guess really never. Let get going before we are late to class before we are late. We will be late to history class and you know Mr. Tuck wont like that. Yeah we know will be make it on time. We wont really be missing much he is teaching about the great depression. Maybe he will be retiring soon. Julie speaking of that I heard in math class he will be. It was Meg who says that. She is my best friend has been since the second grade. My other best friend is Ruby she has been my best friend for about three years now. We all say good at the same time. We make it to class on time, thank god, I take my seat. I happen to sit behind the most handsome guy in school. He is also the most popular kid in school. His name is Ryder. He is the quarterback for our school football team. He doesn't even know I exist. Story of my life though. I would be the one to have a crush on someone who doesn't even know I'm a live. Even more saddest thing in the world is I spend most of my time daydreaming about him. I know I'm pathetic. Right in the middle of me thinking I was popular Ryder turns around and he talks to me. He looks even more handsome while looking at me.

"Are you new here? No one used to sit here." Ryder says with a confused look on his face.

I reply with a little sass to his question saying. " No I'm not new here I have sat here since the beginning of the school year. Not only that we have been in the same schools since elementary school. YOU JERK!"

When I say the last part he has a surprised look on his face like he didn't expect me to say that to him.

He only says in response to that " Okay I'm sorry."

I can say for our first conversation I am being really mean. With that being said I continue and say.. "Before you continue you might as well stop cause of course you don't know who I am I'm not in your group of friends."

"Look I said I was sorry. What more do you want from me?" Ryan says.

He is getting kind of sassy back with me, not that I mind. This is a fun first encounter with him. I never thought I could hate a conversation and like one at the same time.

"Nothing you PRICK!" I do feel kind of bad when I say that last part.

"Prick.? That's really rude don't you think? I don't make the rules for high school." Ryder says, now I can see him getting very upset.

I say very calmly. " No, but you could try to change them. What did you want Ryder?"

"Just to barrow a pen please.?"

He says it like we didn't just get into a mild argument, or was that just in my head? He could at least ask using my name. Unless...

"You don't know my name do you?" I ask after I moment of silence.

Ryder says "Yes I do know your name."

" What is it then?" I had to ask him.

He sits there and thinks about it long and hard and finally says.

"No I don't I'm sorry."

" You can turn around then. You have nothing else to say to me."

He is pissed that I said that but how are you going to ask someone for something and not even know their name? He does turn around but I can hear him say but under his breath.

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