Chapter 2 Ryder

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Ryder! Ryder! Ryder! Joe yells.

"When did you get here?" I asked. She looks very pissed off. I know why but damn. I want her to be happy.

"I have been yelling your name for five minutes."

"Sorry I have my head phones on I didn't hear you." Why am I defending myself to her? She continues in what she had to say.

"Guess what I heard?" I'm really not in the mood for the games. So I just tell her to tell me.

"So Julies has always had a crush on you."

"Are you for real?" That's all I could manage to get out of my mouth.

"Nope!" Joe says with a bit of amusement.

I would never say this out loud but there isn't really anything wrong with Julie. She really is nice and caring. I need someone like that. She just makes everything seem happy and everyone she talks to I have noticed always has a smile on their face. She has a pretty body as well. Joe continues.

"She has always thought you would realize how stupid the whole popularity thing is, she always thought you would want to be with her."

"That gives me a great idea. Ill pretend to date her. It will be a joke. Have to show her who the boss is." I don't know why I want to do this. She didn't do anything besides have a dream that I would want to be with her. I just hope that she doesn't get to attached to me.

Joe replies. "Are you sure about this? I know how you are and I don't think you could handle doing this."

"What do you mean? I think I could do it." She looks at me with a weird expression still when I say it. I continue. "If I do this you cant be jealous, cause ill be with her in everyway when we are here at school and outside of school."

"So your going to really be dating her? What about you see me when your not with her?"

"That wont happen. You know me better than that."

Joe is starting to get pissed off and I haven't even asked Julie to be my girlfriend yet. She will make this hard. She will have to be on board cause me and joe wont be together for the duration of however long I choose to drag this on. She finally answers me.

"I wont cause any problems with your plans. I promise."

I'm very surprised by her answer thought I would have to fight and argue with her in order for her to agree. We are going to make a show out of our "breakup" Joe wants to kiss me one more time before all this, I'm guessing to make me as hers even though we will be breaking up.

"How long are you going to be with Julie?" Joe asked the question even though I can tell she really didn't want to know the answer to it.

"However long I want to do it for but I was thinking like five months." I couldn't help but laugh at it as I said it cause I know after the five months Julie will hope that she never thought about me and giving up my popularity to be with her.

Joe comes back with "okay I will take that challenge."

The next day I look at Julie like really look at her. She isn't that bad to look at. Maybe in a different life we could be together in a "real" relationship. I cant believe I'm doing this what would we even talk about we have nothing in common. I only have to pretend for five months then I'm free. I need to make sure that we don't get to close don't need people thinking we are really together. After this I should get best actors award. She will be the laughing stock of the school. I'm being diabolical. I really don't know why I am.

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