Chapter 3 Julie

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The next day I wake up to a text from Ryder saying he is on the way to get me. Last night was a lot of fun. All we did was watch a movie and ate some burgers. I'm over the moon happy he is my boyfriend. I know it might take him a little longer to feel that way about me. I just wish I knew why he asked me in the first place. I grab my school bag and go sit on the porch to wait for Ryder to get here. Ten minutes later he pulls up to my house. I walk to his car and het in the passenger seat. As soon as I get in the car he starts talking.

"Hey Baby!" Ryder says in a very happy voice.

I replied. "Hey! How was the rest of you night?"

"It was okay. My parents kept asking me why I was smiling so much."

"OH, what did you say Ryder?"

"Well Julie I told them my new girlfriend makes me very happy."

My heart jumped a few beats. I cant believe Ryder is mine and he is happy about it even though I'm not popular. He is very charming. I can feel my checks heating.

"AWW Ryder you make me happy to!"

We talk some more, then he tells me his parents want to meet me tomorrow night. They want me over for dinner. I don't know why but that just made me very nervous. What if they don't like me? I cant be as bad as Joe. they should like me if they liked her. I'm nothing like her but I can be fun to. Maybe ill bake a cake or pie or something else don't know yet. Would have to find out what they like. Can go the safe rout and do a cherry or apple pie with a twist. I could even see if once I can cook for them I love to cook and bake. It would be a pleasure for me.

Before I know it we are at school. I thought so much I didn't really pay attention to where I was. Me and Ryder get out of the car at the same time. Ryder walks over to me and pulls me into a hug. I lean into him and in this moment I never want him to let me go. I look up to him and he leans in and kisses me. I kiss him back. It's a needy kiss. We pull away from each other and walk to go in the school holding hands. He is so much taller than me and his hands are way bigger than mine.

Everyone is watching us and it makes me feel weird. I know it's a shock but you don't have to just stare. I shouldn't care cause I have the most popular guy in school. He's the guy all the girls want and I have him. When we make it to my locker Meg, Ruby, and Mike are already there waiting for me. When we reach the locker Ryder tells my friends hey. They all say hi back to him at the same time.

We finally let go of each others hands cause he has to go to his locker to before class starts. We don't have any classes together till reading. Then lunch and art after that. Ryder turns to me kisses me on the cheek and says bye. I tell him bye as well. When he is gone my friends have a lot to say. Its hard to keep up.

"What the hell?" Ruby asked.

Meg says. "You guys are so cute!"

" I still think you should be careful." Mike tells me.

Why cant they be happy for me? I guess the only one that is would be Ruby. The other two needs t figure out what their problem is.

"Is Meg the only one that's happy for me? What is you twos problem with me being with Ryder? Thank you Meg for being happy for me."

The other two just look at me like I said something wrong to them. I'm not done saying what I need to say.

"Why are you guys trying to make me not trust Ryder.? Are you trying to ruin things for us before it even starts?"

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