Chapter 6

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I walk into this place they call a mall. I look around and my eyes land on a girl eating ice cream. She looks up and she is very beautiful. She is looking at me like she wants to kill me. She stands up and walks over to me. She is short and has curves in all the right places. She starts going off on me and calling me Ryder. Who the fuck is Ryder? I cut her off and tell her my name is Ryan but she slaps me. Calls me a lyer. I don't know this girls problem with me but I don't like it. I cut her off to ask her what her name is.

"My name is Julie." Her voice is sexy and her name is simple. I like it. She tells me to follow her so she can eat her ice cream before it melts all the way. I do just that and sit across from her.

"Julie, I have a question?" She looks up from her ice cream. With a look of do I have to answer?

" Shoot. I'm willing to answer."

She was willing to answer? Umm okay that's weird.

"What happened with you and Ryder?" I can see the pain in her eyes right when I asked. She changed the subject.

"I'm sorry about earlier."

I look at her. "I'm not." I say and its very flirty. Maybe me and her could be friend and then maybe more then friends. She blushes when I say I'm not sorry. God she is beautiful. Ryder was stupid for breaking up with her. Well his loss can be someone else's treasure. In the middle of our conversation someone pat me on the back. The kid asked us why we wasn't at the party. I didn't really know what to say so I looked at Julie and she answered for the both of us. " No we left early." She said. The guy just said okay and walked away. If you ask me that was a waist of time. For the record Julie I think Ryder is a idiot for leaving you. Julie responds by telling me everything that happened. She looks at me and says she is about to go home. I know I want her number but don't know how to ask for it. I need to see her again.

"Hey can I have your number? Maybe we can hang out sometime?" I had to try. What surprised me though is she said yes and gave it to me. But to make sure that it was really her number I called it and she answered in front of me. I had a big smile on my face. I feel like this could be something good between us. Or at least a great friendship. Either way I cant wait to see what happens. I also cant wait for tomorrow to be at school to figure out who this Ryder kid is.

Tomorrow I might make tons of new friends. I was very popular at my other school. I was the wide receiver. I love playing football and it will get me into a great collage with that and my grades. I have a 4.0 GPA. I never did like the word popular I still don't. To me everyone is the same and I want to be friends with everyone.

Finally Im home and in my bed and ready for tomorrow. I really cant wait to see Julie tomorrow. I fall fast asleep. The night went by fast before I knew it my alarm was going off at 6am. I take five minutes then finally wake up and get in the shower. I get dressed. I decided to wear blue jeans and a plain blue shirt. I head down stairs to talk to my mom and eat breakfast. Im going to be driving to school in my own car. I know it would be easier to just go with my mom but that would be weird. On the car ride over Im nervous.

My mom got my class schedule yesterday and im very glad when I look at it. I don't have her class till the end of the day. I have reading second period cant wait for that I love to read. My first class starts in twenty minutes. Its music. I head there early so I can meet the teacher. Mrs. Green.

I walk in and say. "Hello!"

She looks up and says "hey Ryder." There is that name again.

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