Chapter 4

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The way Julie defended herself today was very sexy. Joe will stop at nothing to take my happiness way. I get it she thinks she might love me. I don't think she does though. I think she just loves the idea of me and that's all. Julie and I really get each other. I'm not saying I love her, way to soon for that but I can see myself really liking her if not loving her later on. My parents never really liked Joe. that makes since why they only wanted her to come over the one time. She only came over when they was gone. Well except when I got home that one day. I hope they like Julie.

I think they will. She is everything they want for me and plus some. I don't even think I'm lucky enough to have her as mine. I feel stupid that I ever wanted to break her. Joe treats people like toys she can play with. Julie treats everyone like they are people and they might have a problem no one knows about. I just know when I m with her I want to change and be a nicer guy for her. She wont have friends soon. Ill make sure of that. Everyone will get tired of Joe and then she will be the outcast. Julie makes me want to be a better version of myself.

Getting my mind off that... Julie will be here for dinner. I want everything to be perfect. I know she wont care. I'm really nervous for her to meet my parents. They can be a little judgy. Julie is the best person I know. She would never do anything to make them think other wise of her, she will make sure she does everything to make them like her. I'm going to talk to my mom about dinner. I just want to know what the game plan is and what she will be making. I just want everything to be perfect. I head down to the kitchen.

"Hey mom! How is everything going for dinner?"

"Well Ryder if you have to know its going good. She should be here soon right?"

I didn't even think to check the time. She will be here soon. Now I'm scared that I will do something to mess it up. Something will go wrong I know it will. There is a knock on the door. Julie is early. Like way early. Maybe she is nervous to.

"Ill get it." I tell my parents.

When I get to the door I open it and the smile that was on my face is gone when I see Joe. As she is standing there I send Julie a text with my address and what time to be here. She only says okay back. I look up to Joe.

"Why are you here Joe?'

She looks at me for a little while then she looks like she is mad, disappointed, and hurt all at once. I want to feel sorry for her but I cant.

"Ryder, I have something I need to say. Why did you have to go and really like Julie? This was supposed to be a joke. To teach her a lesson. Your plan I might add. You ruined everything. You and I was doing just fine before this. Your setting yourself up for failure."

She had a lot to say. I know she thinks she knows what's good for me be but she doesn't. I'm to worried about Julie not wanting to talk to me over Joe talking. So I tell her to just leave me alone and go home. I send Julie a text.

"Hey... is everything ok with you?"

I'm really hoping she says yes she is ok. I don't want to blow her phone up. She hasn't texted me back yet and its been thirty minutes already. I know she will be here in two hours but still. I just really want to know why she wont talk to me. My phone goes off and it Julie. She sent me a picture of herself saying yes fine just baking. She looks so cute with flour on her cheek and forehead. I just cant believe how much I want to be around her. I never want her to leave my side. When I'm with her my heart skips and stops all at the same time. I think I might be falling for her. It will kill me if she ever finds out why I got with her in the first place. Maybe though she will love me enough by then that it wont matter.

I know deep down though she will never forgive me. I would lose her forever. My only hope is that we can live happy and forever. She is my everything. Its 4:30 and there is a knock on the door. I run to open it thinking Julie came early. I open the door and its Joe again what could she want now?

"What do you want you was just here? You have to go Julie will be here soon for dinner. My parents wanted to meet her."

"Ryder they didn't even want me here when we was together but your telling me they want to meet Julie?."

I really don't want to get into it with her. I still don't know why she came over again.

"Yes Joe they wanted her to come over. Why are you here?"

" I wanted to ask you why you didn't answer my phone call.?"

Could she be anymore dumber right now? Why would I answer her phone call?

"I don't have to talk to you Joe. We are not together and will never be together again. You need to go. Julie just pulled up."

She walked away. Julie looks pissed. I need to tell her why she was here. She needs to know that I would never hurt her. So I walk towards her. She has something In her hands. It must be what she was baking. I finally get to her and I say something to her.

"What's going on with you today you didn't really talk to me at all today? And just now you didn't really hug me back."

"Ryder, I just think there is more to why your with me."

Shit she knows this is a test. What do I do? Who told her? I cant lose her. So I lie.

"Julie I will say this one time and one time only, you are the reason I'm with you. You are an amazing person and I am happy to get to know you and call you my girlfriend."

I don't know if she believes me but I will be able to buy myself some time.

"I'm sorry Ryder its just Joe being here made me think I wasn't enough for you."

"Come here and Ill show you just how much you are enough for me."

I don't know how to make her know she is enough for me but I plan to show her. She is everything to me now. I know it seems fast to think like this but it was just a few months ago I thought Joe was who I wanted.

"Come on lets meet my parents." Now she seems a little better.

I'm nervous cause I know how my parents can be. Its also weird that they want to meet someone I'm dating. I wish I knew how to act in this moment but I want to just bypass my parents and take her to my room just so I can be alone with her. Instead I take her to where my parents are and introduce them.

"Mom, Dad this is Julie my girlfriend." The look on their face is a mix of shock and excitement.

"Hello sweetheart!" Mom said.

Julie looks uncomfortable. I wonder why. Then I remembered her parents aren't around as much. She doesn't really talk the whole time she is there. I wonder if she will open up to them. Maybe she just needs more time. She is holding my hand under the table. When she feels weird I can tell cause she squeezes it a little tighter. How do I make that go away? I want to her be comfortable here. I want Julie for the rest of my life. Dinner was weird. Julie is a force at school. What happened? She left. I walked her to her car and kissed her bye. I know my parents will say something. I walk back inside and to my surprise my parents are out back. I don't want to talk about what happened. I do however send Julie a text.

"What was wrong this evening? You seemed weird. Please tell me your okay." I'm just waiting for her to text me back. I really hope she was ok. We have our first part to go to tomorrow maybe that's what's freaking her out. My phone goes off and its Julie.

"I'm okay babe. I just never had dinner with my parents and got a little weirded out is all. Next time will be better I promise. I cant wait to see you tomorrow. Good night."

I was stupid. How could I have not thought about that she never had dinner with her parents. We will be fine though. Ill get her used to my family. They will love each other by the end of it all. With that I go to bed. 

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