Chapter 5

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I cant believe that I didn't talk to Ryders parents that much last night at dinner. What was I thinking? Nothing that's what. I wake up look at my phone I have a text from Ryder.

" Good morning baby, you ready for tonight. Its our first party together. Im cant wait! See you at school."

I want to reply but I will see him at school. Why not just talk to him when I get there. I am terrified though for the party. Ill tell him that when I see him. I really miss being invisible sometimes. Im glad that my friends will be there with me though. That makes me calm. Im getting ready for school and I keep thinking that just five months ago my life was so different. Im still trying to figure out how I got here. I still think there is more I don't know going on. I know I need to stop thinking like that it does no good for me or Ryder. He is a good guy. I need to figure out what I want to wear for tonight. I need Meg and Ruby here with me to help me. We could always go shopping to. Get a new outfit. I called them both and got them to come over. They said no to shopping. I thought they would we didn't really like to shop. Besides I had tons of clothes to choose from. I just didn't know what I wanted to wear. Before I know it we are ready and its time to go. I decided to wear a tank top and skirt it showed off a lot of my body but made me look sexy. I know Ryder wont be able to resist me while im wearing this. I do ask my friends how I look before we leave Mike is here now to. They all say the same thing that I look hot.

Party started at ten pm. We have a few things we could do to pass the time. We decided to go to get some food. We went to a Mexican restaurant. We ate a lot and talked and joked around. I don't know what I would do without them. They are the best friends anyone could have asked for. We took tons of pictures. I told Ryder to meet me here. He showed up at the right time. We was about to start ordering food. He is playing around as well. Taking pictures. He is the best person I know and he is mine. Ryder and I drive to the party in his car. My friends are in Mikes car. Ryder wanted to be with me a lone. Cant blame him I wanted that as well. I really wanted to just kiss him till I cant take it anymore. I want to give into my urges. I know that's stupid we might not even end up together but I wanted to give him all of me. I will one day I know that. We are juniors in high school but I know he is the man I want for ever. He may not love me the way I do him but maybe he will. I know its only been five months but I love him.

He pulls into a yard and it pulls me out of my thoughts. We are at the party. Im very nervous now. I don't really understand why. These people see me at school everyday. I think im going to just stay with Ryder. Maybe we will all stay together.

"You guys, what are you going to do?" I couldn't help but asking.

"Julie we are going to walk around and mingle. If you need us just say so." It was Mike who said this. I want to be made but they have to have a good night to. We need to figure out how long we want to be here and who will drink and who will drive. I don't want to drink so I could drive Mikes car. So I talk to him before we go our separate way. He does give me his keys. I walk around with Ryder and meet some people. We dance for a while and then I get a soda. Ryder gets a beer. I woud like to know how they got the beer. I don't ask though. I kind of want to try beer. A sip wont hurt right? I don't know never drank before. I have to say im having a really fun time.

When I say that Joe is coming up behind Ryder. That makes me mad.

"Do you guys want to play truth or dare?" Joe asked with a smile on her face. Is she up to something? I don't want to know. If it isn't about me don't care. That's the only reason I said yes to playing the game. I don't know why but I want to do all dare. They cant be that bad right.

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