Change of clothes 3

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"Hey Senju" Emma said waving the girl over Senju was now 10 and had become ever quieter than she used to she doesn't like speaking since whenever she speaks infront of Takeomi he normally hits her
"Hi" she said walking over to Emma even if Senju is really quiet she was still Emma's best friend her and Emma go to the same school and normally Emma shares her lunch with Senju since Takeomi doesn't give her anything

"What are you guys doing?" Mikey asked walking over to the group with Baji and Izana
"Nothing" Emma said while creating a flower crown for Senju because she was bored
"Want to play with us?" Mikey asked
"Should we Sen?" Emma asked looking at Senju who got shy
"If you want to but can you please do the talking Emma" Senju whispered into the blondes ear
"Okay we will play" Emma yelled pulling Senju over

"What are we playing?" Emma asked
"We thought you guys would have an idea" Baji said this unfortunately gave emma a diabolical plan
"Oh I know what we can play" she said pulling Senju inside the house making sure the boys stayed outside

The girls came back outside with some clothes and makeup for the boys

"It's dress up time" she said as she forced them to sit down
"Please no" mikey said trying to run
"Nope you told me to make a choice on what we are playing" she said pushing them to sit down

Emma was putting the finishing touches on Bajis makeup since lucky enough Izana was called to help Shinichiro with his motorcycle, Senju was braiding Mikeys hair before she touched the makeup as for it not to be in the way

"Aw" mikey yelled as Senju was pulling his hair too much
"Sorry" she said quietly to him going gentle on his scalp
"Ew why are you being so nice you used to have a loud mouth" Mikey asked turning around to face the girl
"Umm well Takeomi told me it's not right for a girl to speak too much" she said turning her body around to show Mikey the massive scar doing across the back of her neck "he told me next time I speak too much he'll do worst" you could hear her voice breaking up a bit
"Oh sorry" he said turning back around he felt bad making the girl upset so he just sat quietly as she continued to braid his hair

"Hey I'm just going to get something off Emma I'll be back in a second" she said leaving the boy although it was summer she had a long sleeve shirt on and trousers compered to the rest who were wearing shorts and a t-shirt or in Emma's case a dress he just watched her leave until


Senju fell to the ground over heated from the fact it was a heat wave Mikey ran over since on one else noticed and carried her to the shade and then he left to get his brother

"Shini-nee!" He yelled trying to make his brother follow him
"What Mikey?" The man asked a bit annoyed
"Senju fainted" he said a bit worried although he had a dress and his hair in dodge braids the man didn't laugh he'll make a joke about it later

The two ran over to Senju while Izana went and got water

"Hey you okay Senny?" Shin asked seeing the girl struggling to breathe
"-" Senju just looked at them not a sound could come out
"Emma can you go get something from your room for Senju to change into?" Shinichiro asked the blonde who just noticed what's happen the girl ran inside getting a pair of shorts and a tank top
"Here you go shin" she said handing her brother the clothes
"Senju go and take this to over there" he pointed to the shed that they kept their bikes in for her to change in
"Ok" she said taking the clothes "thank you" she then walked off it was hard for her to believe these people cared more about her than anyone else and the worst part was they weren't even her family

Minutes later the girl came out there was bandages and massive scars all over her body and too many bruises to the point you couldn't say you tripped

"Senju what has Takeomi been doing to you?" Shin asked hugging the girl who felt better now that she could breath
"It's my fault" she said tearing up a bit
"No this has gone too far!" Shin yelled going to get his phone he rang Takeomi to tell him that he is ringing the police about what has happened and as he warned him many years ago he finally did it shin called the police on Takeomi but before he even hung up the phone Takeomi was at the house yelling at Senju

"WHY THE FUCK DID YOU GO AROUND TELLING PEOPLE HUH? BRAT!" He yelled as he pulled her hair he threw her to the ground and started to hit her all she could do was cry as Shinichiro came outside from all the yelling you could see Senju on the floor  getting beaten as the younger boys tried to stop him you could see Emma crying at the scene

"Oi Takeomi get off her!" He yelled pulling the man who was 20 years old hitting his 10 year old sister
"Why should I she deserves it" he yelled pushing his friend off him
"Takeomi I have been your friend for more that 18 years yet I can't allow you to do this to your sister" he yelled pulling the guy off and punching him in the face

Shortly the police arrive they detained Takeomi and was taking Senju to the hospital you could hear the cry's of Senju as she was picked up every part of her skin was red from the beating and it sounded like something from a horror movie

"Shini is Senju okay?" She asked following her brother
"I'm not sure emma" he said ringing Wakasa

"Hey umm I just called the police of Takeomi Senju is in the hospital because of him" shin said with a vain coming out of his forehead like who does that who in their right mind does that to a child? Was all he could think
"That bastard send me the address I'll meet you there" he said hanging the phone he went quickly to his bike before informing his roommate Benkei what happened

They both got there soon seeing the raven hair man who was ready to kill

"Shin what happened then?" Wakasa asked worried and as he was told Shinichiro told them everything you could see the fury on their faces they knew he was bad but going this far?

"The worst part is Senju won't have any where to go I can't take her in there's not enough room in the house" he sounded desperate for a solution
"She can stay with us I'll adopt her in" Wakasa said immediately he couldn't let anything happen to her they had no idea where Haruchiyo was they couldn't let Senju go missing like him
"Are you sure?" Shin asked un  convinced
"Yeah I'm sure plus it will be easier for her to practice her martial arts then" he said just wanting to help her

They came into the room to see Senju with massive bruises even worst than before they originally seen them

"Hey Sen don't worry everything will be better from now on" Wakasa said patting her head
"You promise" she sounded so broken and upset she couldn't believe anyone anymore
"Yeah" he said hugging her

The wierd love story (MikeyxSenju)Where stories live. Discover now