Cupcakes 6

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"Hey Emma" Senju said quietly although she had gained more respect for herself and confidence she often felt low to the point of not wanting to speak this was often after she had a nightmare that Takeomi becomes her parent figure of some sort again
"Hey Senju I am so sorry but I actually have to leave for like an hour with shin do you mind staying with Mikey for a bit I have to see a doctor" she said feeling apologetic
"It's okay I understand" Senju replied letting Emma leave
"Thank you I will make it up to you another time" Emma said rushing out of the house

"Hey" Mikey said walking over
"Hi" she responded
"What do you want to do?" He asked bored
"Can I braid your hair? I got better I promise" she said last time it wasn't the best so she has been practicing a bit for a chance to try again
"Fine be gentle this time" Mikey said causing the girl to laugh he handed her a hair brush and some hair ties and they sat under a tree he let her braid his hair and they were talking

"So what's been happening with Takeomi? How long will he be in jail for?" Mikey asked causing the girl some discomfort
"He will be there for 5 years but Wakasa said he will try and get a restraining order placed on him for my protection" Senju said
"Umm how's karate got any better?" Senju tried thinking of questions for him
"I'm good I'm best in my class but I felt humbled when you fought me" he replied
"Good atleast you have been humbled" Senju laughed at her comment after a while it fell silent Senju had completed one braid and had continued to another soon enough she heard a quiet snore which had fell on her lap

Senju Pov
"Huh how did he fall asleep we were just talking he's so weird"

Senju tried getting him off her but couldn't he shifted holding her leg it hurt as those scars were still sore

"Emma" Senju yelled seeing the girl come outside "help me get him off I tried everything he won't wake up!" She pleaded to the girl
"Let me take a photo first" Emma said running for shins phone she took a picture then helped Senju by pinching his nose so he wakes up it's the only way to wake him since he won't be able to breath
"What the hell emma!" Mikey yelled waking up from him nap
"Your crushing me" Senju said trying to push him off
"I forgot you were here" he said getting off her

He left with his funky braids while Emma was trying to insinuate Senju liked him being there

"Come on Senju please date him then we could be sisters" Emma pleaded to her friend
"I would rather die" she said turning from the girl in all honesty Senju never liked Mikey in that way she thought of him as a friend well not really a friend more of Emma's brother that asked to play with them a lot
"Why he clearly likes you?" Emma asked Senju the problem is she doesn't like him back
"Emma I don't like him ok can you leave it now?" Senju asked she wanted to go home she didn't want this conversation any longer
"Sorry okay want to go inside on our way back shini bought cupcake mix we can ask to make it?" Emma wanted to do something she felt bad of pushing her friend into something she didn't want
"Okay let's just make them I can't have any though" Senju has a strict diet from desserts as she trains so much it won't be good for her sports life
"Oh why?" Emma asked concerned as she didn't understand why her friend wouldn't want a sweet treat
"It goes against my meal plans and stuff I have to eat certain foods for all the activities I do I can't eat bad foods" Senju replied although all food is good you just need to control the portions she didn't get that
"What about your birthday will you have a cake then?" Emma didn't know weather she would attend if there was no cake
"Of course I'll have something sweet then but I'm not sure if I'll be eating it" she sounded sad but she soon brushed her feelings off as to not make emma sad "don't worry I really enjoy making cakes though I can help you create something delicious it just means more for you" Emma liked the sound of that so she agreed
"Okay let's go" the two walked to the kitchen to see someone Senju was not to found of

"Hey Mikey!" Emma called seeing her brother sitting at the kitchen island
"Hey" he responded coldly he was like that a lot of the times when he was low on energy
"Me and Senju are about to make cupcakes" Emma told her brother while looking for the mix
"Didn't know Senju would be allowed in a kitchen with that aggressive attitude" Mikey had a evil smirk on his face as he seen Senju get annoyed
"I beat you the other day I'll do it again shortie" Senju yelled in annoyance
"Says you your the same height as me!" The two were having a standoff at this point neither wanted to give up
"Your older so shouldn't you be tall?" Senju yelled back at the blonde boy who always got under her skin
"Ugh emma control your friend especially when they're a midget!" Mikey yelled before leaving them alone

"Soo" Emma was about to make a comment before being shut up by Senju
"Leave me alone" Senju yelled to the girl before turning away
"Wait don't leave" Emma pulled the girl back into the kitchen
"Your brother is so annoying Emma" Senju said as the girl washed her hands ready to bake
"I know I have to live with him" Emma replied with a giggle the girls began to bake until there was a knock on the door

Knock knock

"Hey" Baji said with a smile he came to hangout with Mikey since he had nothing better to do
"Hi" Senju replied as emma was busy putting the mixture into cake tins
"Do you know if Mikey is here" the boy questioned
"Yes he's here I'll call for him now" Senju replied she went to get Mikey since Baji wanted to play football with him

"Oi Mikey Baji wants to hang out with you" Senju yelled as she opened the door to see the boy sleeping
"Oi Mikey wake up" Senju yelled walking over to the boy remembering the trick emma used she pinched his nostrils walking him up abruptly
"What the hell" he yelled at the girl
"Baji is here for you" she responded coldly leaving the room
"Huh" he felt weird how she talked to him what happened to the light jokes they used to do

The wierd love story (MikeyxSenju)Where stories live. Discover now