Hanging out 9

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They finally went back after playing a game of football and Senju was telling Emma and Mikey about something that happened she heard from another group of kids

"So I heard from some upperclassmen that the school is going to have a big camping trip for our year groups" she told them excitedly
"Really I have always wanted to go camping" Emma replied
"Yeah oh and we will have a couple of weeks off afterwards since the school are having a remodel" she explained they all we're excited about the fact they would have some time off school

(I'm going to make the sleepover not too long since I completely forgot that this wasn't supposed to be apart of the story anyway)

"Okay guys have fun tomorrow I'll let you have a little more rest since it's the weekend" he said his good nights to the kids and they stayed up talking and playing games

"So guys what's the worst injury you have ever gotten?" Emma asked as they were talking it in turns to ask questions
"Probably when I broke my foot" mikey said followed by Senju
"Probably the scar on my back Takeomi once got his belt that had like metal studs and whipped me with it because I told him I was hungry " she said as if it was normal
"Senju are you ok?" Emma asked
"Yeah I'm good just thinking do you guys want some snacks?" She asked as she got up you could tell something was wrong with her but she just acted normal the whole night she continued to joke around and she ended up falling asleep a bit before Emma and Mikey did since they were watching a film

"Hey Mikey use this as a chance" Emma said as she was putting Senju onto Mikey they had created a fort using Senju's mattress and loads of blankets and pillows on the floor like a nest
"Huh isn't that weird though?" He asked
"No just do it" Emma responds as she turns to sleep

The next morning

"Mmm" Senju hated how light was going on her face making her wake up
"Hey guys?" She asked they had all moved in their sleep and Senju was kinda pushed down by the two in a way emma had both legs on Senju and Mikey was hugging her

"OMG IM SO SORRY SENJU" Emma moved away apologetically while Mikey was still too tired to care what was happening so he just turned around and fell back asleep

The kids all had fun rest of the day but Senju was noticing weird things Mikey did to only her like he tried really hard to talk to her

The wierd love story (MikeyxSenju)Where stories live. Discover now