Weirdo 7

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"Hey Baji why are girls so weird?" Mikey asked after going to see his friend
"What do you mean?" He asked confused
"Don't worry about it" mikey said as they left for the park

Mikey had weird feelings about the girl he had no idea why she switched up on him how she never gives him clean signals

"Mikeyyyy" Baji yelled into the boys ear
"Mm?" He wondered coming back to reality
"I heard the girls are making cupcakes can we go and get some I'm starving" he complained as they had been outside for a while
"Yes!" Mikey wanted to see if Senju was a good cook since yk 😏
"Let's go!" The two went and had cake

"Hey Emma we are back!" Mikey yelled as he came back into his home
"Hey Mikey want to try the cakes?"she asked as she brought the tray over to them
"Yeah thanks" he replied as he took two handing one to his friend
"It would have been nice if someone helped me a bit more instead of getting bored" Emma said a bit loud as she looked at Senju
"Sorry Emma I just wanted to eat them" she replied taking another bite
"I'll forgive you for now" she laughed

"So umm what are you two doing now?" Mikey asked he was hoping they would ask the boys to play with them
"We were about to watch a movie" Emma responded as she took a dvd out of the cabinet under the tv
"What film?" Baji asked as he grabbed another cake
"Shin bought me a Barbie movie that just came out" she told them happily Senju was just sitting on the sofa she looked really tired for it being the early afternoon
"Yeah Emma what one is it called again?" Senju asked
"Diamond Castle umm guys did you want to watch it with us?" Emma kind of guessed her brother was looking for a way to hang out with Senju as she seen how he kept looking at her
"Umm" Mikey didn't want to make it obvious but thankfully Baji agreed since it meant they would have snacks
"Yeah sure can we have something to eat though I'm starving"

They watched the film emma sat on the end of the sofa with Senju in the middle with Mikey since she needed Sen to become her sister in law

About half way through the movie Senju fell asleep she had been exhausted from all the training this week she had her head rest on Emma but asked if Mikey would take her since she needed to go to the bathroom

"Hey Mikey I'm going to the toilet can you have Senju for me" Emma asked as she placed her friend gently on the boys arm

"Ahhh she is so cute" was all be could think as he held a blush back after emma left the room you could hear laughing
"Hahah Mikey got a girlfriend hey?" Baji laughed at his friend
"Ew no" he wasn't sure weather to be truthful so he decided to just play it safe for now by saying that
"Aww don't worry just invite me to the wedding Kay?" He laughed again
"I'd rather die" he responded with laughter

After awhile Senju woke up hearing laughter

"Ahh!" She yelled after seeing Mikeys face
"Where's Emma?" She asked as she moved away from him
"She went to the bathroom god chill out like" Mikey responded he felt hurt she was disgusted seeing him
"I need to leave" she said as she went to call Wakasa
"Huh? That was so weird" Mikey said to Baji which he agreed

"Emma I'm going we can finish the film another time or something" senju called out to the girl who had just arrived back
"Oh. Okay bye" you could tell she was upset but didn't say anything

"Oi Mikey what did you do I asked you to take care of her because I thought you liked her I wouldn't have left if you didn't" Emma yelled as she hit his head
"Hahah Mikey? I knew you had a girlfriend someone is too shyyy" Baji joked as he pinched the blonde boys cheeks
"Shut up why the hell would I like her she is ugly and a show off she isn't even that cool so who would like her" Mikey yelled as he got up extremely annoyed
"Woah cool down we were just joking" the raven said to which Mikey didn't listen just going to his room

A few weeks later

"Hey Senju wanna come over after school today?" Emma asked the girl as they were in the playground
"I can't sorry I am in the gym late tonight" Senju responded apologeticly
"Hey I'm not trying to pry but why did you leave so suddenly a couple of weeks ago?" She asked as after the event she didn't know what to do or why Senju didn't want to come over anymore
"I just find your brother a bit weird sorry if that sounds rude it's just that day he kept giving me weird vibes like he was inlove with me I felt a bit creeped out" Senju responded she didn't want her friend to hate her but it's the truth she found him off that day
"Hey don't worry I think he likes you but I'll tell him to leave you alone if you want" Emma responded she had hoped Senju would say yes so Emma could go see her other Friend 😉 (Draken)
"No it's okay I don't want to jump to conclusions haha, umm how about you come to the gym with me tonight yeah I can show you why I enjoy it so much" Senju felt bad she neglected her friendship so much and had hoped this could be something she could do with her
"I would but Mikey is taking care of me tonight shini and Izana are going out for a couple of days with grandpa" Emma responds
"Umm you can bring him to I'll just not pay attention to him" senju responds
"Come with me I'll ask him now" Emma is excited to go and desperately wanted to go
"Ok" she follows the blonde to a group of boys in the football pitch

"MIKEY!!!" Emma called out pulling the albino close by
"Huh? Emma is something wrong?" Mikey asked as she was yelling for him
"No I just well Senju asked if I wanted to come to her martial arts place for training tonight can we go please?" Emma asked her brother
"Fine" he responds then going back to his friend
"Thank youuu" she said happily as she went to celebrate with the other girl

"Ugh what a weirdo making my sister train with you, god why is she so pretty for a tomboy she no you can't like her she beat you up infront of your friends" these thoughts ran through his mind a couple of times during the day he couldn't get her face out of his mind

The wierd love story (MikeyxSenju)Where stories live. Discover now