Remember 11

35 2 0

Over by Senju

"Hey Sen I just gotta ask you what was that about just now emma didn't tell me anything" Mikey asked he went over to see the girl putting sunscreen on

"Oh well she asked what happened with Daku I told her then she was just saying she knows someone who likes me for me nothing more that's why I was annoyed I wanted to know who" she said before asking him something he would love to do
"Hey do you mind helping me do my back I would ask one of the girls but Emma is running away from me and Hina and yuzuha went with Takemichi and mitzuya on a walk" she turned around after she had seen Mikey nod he had placed the sunscreen ever so gently on her back he smoothed it out she felt like she was getting a message but better

"Hey I'm done" Mikey said before going to wipe his hands

"Have you put any on yet?" Senju asked the boy next to her

"No?" He asked confused he thought sunscreen just gave you a tan

"Come here put some on!" She yelled he looked confused at her but she couldn't help but laugh

"Hey stop why are you laughing?" Mikey yelled

"Mikey put some sunscreen on before I tell Emma" this made him put some on Senju was doing his back when he done his arms

"Hey umm are you just going to sit over here or are you going to go in the sea?" Mikey asked he felt as if he couldn't control himself having Senju running her hands over his back

"I'm not sure I don't really want to sit here on my own so I'll probably go in the sea" Senju replied

"I can sit over here with you if you want I just want to go buy something from the convenience store if you want to join me" Mikey said he knew she would accept which she did

"Sure race you there" Senju yelled before running over to the store with Mikey yelling at her

"Oi this wasn't fair!" He pouted getting some ice cream for himself

They looked around before Senju called out to him

"It is only fair I won so I think i deserve a choco mint" Senju replied holding a ice cream with a cute smile plastered on her face

"Sure" he grabbed the ice cream and started scanning the items and then asked her something "hey remember when we all had just met, and I had to help you see all the ice cream flavours because you were a midget" Mikey laughed

"Yeah I remember" she let a tear form as she remembered how her brother treated them that night she remembered how painful it was she remembered how she would never be the same after that night how scared she was she couldn't sleep remembering what he did to her how haru was sleeping lifeless beside her

"Remember what we did to get ice cream" Mikey asked he laughed a bit before hearing Senju's response

"We pinky promised not to speak about that remember?" Senju said laughing

"Ah I'm so sorry" mikey made a dramatic gasp at the start before placing two hands on his mouth

"Shut up" she let out a small chuckle they walked back laughing with eachother like little kids

At the beach

"Hey guys we got everyone's ice cream's!" Senju yelled Mikey held everything in a cooler while they went around handing them to the others

After they were done sharing the treats

"Hey guys I'm going to go sit over by the stuff" he told the rest of the group who were going to play in the sea

"Hey Mikey?" Senju asked as the boy walked closer to her

"Yeah?" He replied a bit confused

"Do you think you're ever going to marry someone or is gangs like the only thing you care about?" She asked innocently she wanted to know what was going on in his love life since hers was so miserable

"Well I like someone but I don't think they like me back" he told her he wanted to see if she would say something about how anyone is lucky to have him so he would have a good chance of asking her out

"Don't worry Mikey I'm sure she likes you listen if she makes you upset let me know since you have that whole thing not hitting women" she was trying to make him feel better but failed as how would she beat herself up ?

"It's alright she's really pretty so I'm not sure if I have a chance at all" he sounded upset which was weird to Senju since she had never seen him like that

"Hey don't worry Mikey how about we make a deal if we are both sad and single In the future do you wanna just get married?" She was only trying to make him feel better but again it made him upset was he only her last option?

"I'm not sure Sen thanks but I don't want to be someone's last option" he responded before going to lie in the sun

After awhile of sitting in the sun Mikey left to go and hang out with everyone else this was after some of the girls have left to go back to the house

Meanwhile with Emma and Senju

"Hey Emma since it's just us two umm I think Mikey is mad at me" she was thankful it was only them two left with everyone else at the beach out of sight and ear shot to know what was happening

"What do you mean?" Emma asked confused since earlier Senju was so wrapped up with a boy from her extra classes

"Well he was telling me how he likes someone and said that he didn't think she liked them back and I said that if he and I were single after in the future still would he like to marry me and he got all mad saying he didn't want to be a backup" she explained frustrated

"I can't help you Senju it's not something I'm allowed to speak about" Emma explained with a apologetic tone but not overly as she decided to leave the girl for now

Let's just say Senju didn't understand and wouldn't until she had realised too late

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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