Respect 5

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After that day Senju had gained some respect from Mikey the boy was mesmerised by how strong she was everyone thought he was a prodigy but she soon took that away from him he was happy he found an apartment worthy to fight him although he would never admit it  they all went back to the house after spending some time in the park where they met Shinichiro and Izana

"Bye" Mikey yelled to his friends it was him Baji Senju and Emma going inside the house since Wakasa was still at work and she would meet him later for training
"Hey" Senju called to Shinichiro who was in the house cooking dinner
"Hi guys" he responded then adding "Senju your going to stay here tonight Wakasa has to stay late at the gym"
"Okay" Senju simply responded with she was happy to spend more time with Emma since she was her best friend
"Hey shin I'm going to go practice" Mikey yelled walking to the door "do you want to train with us Senju since you can't go tonight?" Mikey asked turning to the girl it shocked some so shin asked Emma why Mikey was being so nice to her while Senju and Baji followed Mikey to the garden

"Emma has Mikey got a crush?" Shin asked the blonde they loved having little gossip sessions
"Well probably but it's also because she beat him in a fight" Emma responded watching how Senju was teaching the boys some diffrent techniques
"Wait really?" Shin asked in shocked he knew she was top her class but didn't know she was that strong
"Yeah I'm going to go watch them fight" Emma said running outside

It shocked the man how strong a little girl was since Mikey was in advance karate class he watched as the girl was then teaching Emma how to fight

"Emma first make this stance" Senju motioned a stance and Emma followed
"Wait boys come here so I can show Emma where to hit" Mikey went infront of Senju since Baji was too sacred to and she continued the demonstration for Emma
"Senju make this sort of swinging motion" the said making her body sway from one direction to another
"Then make this shape with you fist" the said "then do it quickly to make a strong hit" Senju finished by punching Mikey very hard in the stomach since she didn't want to hurt him too bad
"Aw Senju!" Mikey yelled in pain holding his stomach
"Ah sorry it wasn't supposed to hurt" she yelled apologetically to the boy on the ground she helped the boy up over to a chair while she finished helping Emma

"Like this?" Emma asked hitting Baji really hard in the stomach but not to the point where he couldn't walk on his own like Mikey

"Hah so Mikey which one of us is stronger since you can't walk from a punch in the stomach?" He mocked the boy until he felt a grip on his shoulder
"Ah Senju umm what do you need?" He asked worried as the girl flipped him over her shoulder as he fell to the ground
"So Baji wanna apologise now you know damn well you would be in worst pain then him if I demonstrated on you" Senju said then helping the boy up this some how made Mikey happy and sad all in one go

A faint call of the twos older brother told them to come have dinner Baji left the house after hearing him say they need to have dinner and Senju joined the blondes

"So how was your training session?" The boy asked placing the food on their plates
"Shini it was so fun Senju showed me a move!" Emma yelled making her brother laugh
"Don't tell me you want to become a gang leader now aswell?" He asked the little happy girl
"No I don't but I think Senju will be the best leader no offence guys" she made Senju a bit embarrassed by the comment but Mikey couldn't help but agree slightly with his sister
"I want to be a gang leader but I think Senju will make that difficult for me" Mikey said quietly but the rest heard him
"What?" Shin asked with a smile at the boy
"Well did you see that punch she gave me out there and her strength will grow as soon as she gets taller" mikey said before getting a hard hit in the head
"Shut it" she said with a red face she didn't like people talking about her height "you aren't that tall remember" she added making emma laugh
"Aww the midget couple" she commented to the table
"That's it emma" Mikey said as he started tickling his sister

Soon their older brother stopped this Izana came out of his room and they all ate dinner together

"Emma can you go take Senju to your room Wakasa dropped some things off for her before going back to the gym" shin said emma took Senju to her room where the bag was waiting

"So what did he pack you?" Emma asked this was her first sleepover so she didn't know what sort of things was brought
"He packed me some clothes umm my toothbrush, a stuffie that Haru gave me once for my birthday and oh" she brought out the photo of the two she kept it by her bed and Wakasa knows she likes to talk to it before sleeping
"Aww that's such a cute photo" Emma said to Senju she just looked at it happily
"Yeah umm Emma can I go change please?" Senju asked she wanted to forget the photo for just 5 minutes
"Yeah take your clothes to the bathroom at end the hall" Emma said Senju agreed and went there

She walked to the end but she seen Mikey was also walking there

"Hi Senju" Mikey said carrying his clothes
"Hi" she said walking to the toilets
"So what are you guys going to do now?" He asked
"Well me and Emma were just looking at a photo Waka put in my bag but I'm not sure now" she said she was about to go open the door but Mikey beat her to it
"Sorry Senju but I'm going in first" he said with a joking smile
"Ok" she said waiting patiently
"Hey your supposed to argue or something" he said to the girl
"Why that isn't very nice" she said with a weird look
"And punching me in the stomach is?" He asked making her laugh

She told him to just get changed because Emma was waiting for her which he did as he left the room he put his hand on Senju's hair making it all messy

"Hey Mikey!" She yelled annoyed to which the boy laughed he left the corridor with a slight smile on his face which would have gave away the feeling he had what was that feeling though she wasn't even that nice to him

The next day after getting ready emma and Senju played outside waiting for Wakasa to pick her up

"So what do you want to play?" Emma asked Senju who was still tired
"Anything that will let me sleep" she said lying her head on the grass
"How are you so tired?" Emma asked the albino who was lying on the soft grass under a tree
"You snore" was her reply making Emma annoyed
"I don't snore!" She yelled Senju was already asleep Emma just left her there while she went and got a drink it was so hot outside so she just let her be

"Huh why are you out here?" Mikey thought to himself seeing the girl sleeping peacefully under the tree
"Oi Senju wake up!" Mikey yelled to the girl
"Huh what do you want?" She asked
"Why are you sleeping outside?" He asked she got up her hair a blowing in the wind and she simply asked him
"Why do you care?" She had a smirk on her face before hearing

"Senju Wakasa is here!"

"Sorry Mikey next time tell me why you cared so much yeah?" She asked leaving the boy alone

"Sorry Emma I fell asleep outside" Senju apologised to the girl then hugging her as she was leaving
"It's okay Senju just come back soon please" Emma said waving to Senju as she went to the car

The wierd love story (MikeyxSenju)Where stories live. Discover now