extra: crossovers

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So, someone asked for a chapter on crossovers!

When you write a crossover, you want to make sure you know the subject matter for all the fandoms you want to mash together.

There are a ton of different forms of crossovers, like taking characters from one and giving them the roles of the other.

for example, let's use Supernatural and YouTube as what we are crossing over.

Character Swap: Let's say the Dan Howell and Phil Lester swap places with Dean Winchester and Castiel the Angel. What would life be for them? Or Sam and Dean take Dan and Phil's YouTube jobs.

Universe: Throw Dan and Phil into Sam and Dean's universe of monsters and crap.

Etc. Just Google crossovers and see what you can find!

Honestly, crossovers are so much fun and can have captivating storylines. Just find what works for you!

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