Part Six: Misconceptions

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So, misconceptions. These are killer.

Things that are often times confused in fanfiction are place descriptions, power/ability confusion, and minor things that mean the difference between good and bad.



The Ampitheather: where the campfire takes place

The Pavilion: often called the mess hall, where you eat

The Climbing Wall: This is often forgotten. If you use it, make sure to remember the lava.

The Big House: a giant house, painted blue, with a wraparound porch.

Abilities: Each half blood only has the abilities of their godly parent/ancestor.

Zeus: controlling the air currents, calling down lightning.

Poseidon: water control, summoning, able to sty dry/breathe underwater, talking to sea life and horses.

Hades: shadow travel, summoning skeletal warriors.

Athena: no real special abilities, but are good with designing and academic stuff. Terrified of spiders.

Apollo: archery, healing, singing and poetry

Hephaestus: sometimes fire/fireproof abilities, great with building/crafting things.

Artemis: No children.

Hera: No children.

Hermes: Great with trickery and deception.

Demeter: Good with plants and growing.

Dionysus: can grow fruit that can be made into wine, and cause/heal madness

Ares: very good with fighting/weapons

Aphrodite: sometimes charmspeak, and making people fall in love, then ripping them apart.


Artemis, Hera, and Hestia have no demigod children.

Not many demigods are blessed by the gods.

The Hunger Games:


Capitol: very rich and extravagant. there is no such thing as going over board.

District 1: Produces luxury items. almost as good as the Capitol.

District 2: Stone work, and minor graphite mines. also the main producer of Peacekeepers.

District 3: electrical and technology

District 4: fishing

District 5: power plant

District 6: transportation

District 7: lumber and tree products

District 8: textiles

District 9: grain

District 10: livestock

District 11: agricultural

District 12: coal mining

District 13: was nuclear weapon production. graphite mining.


You aren't likely to get volunteers from outlying districts.

In 1, 2, and 4, those tributes are considered Careers, and often volunteer.

The poorer the family that someone comes from, the bigger the chance that they will be reaped.

So, yeah. There you go! More help! If you want a specific topic, or category, just comment and I'll try to help you out!

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