Extra: Writing Playlists

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If you're like me, having music playing while you write helps get the creative ideas going. In fact, songs inspire some of my stories.

Heavy Dirty Soul is a song my Twenty One Pilots, as well as the title of a SPN fanfiction I'm writing. (Shameless self advertising.)

Anyway, playlists keep my music organized for my different moods.

My playlists are weird, like I have one called Sing Me To Sleep that I listen to while I try to drift off to sleep. It actually does help.

Anyway, you might find that when you listen to a certain style of music, you write a certain mood of content.

For me, Twenty One Pilots are a good band for writing anything.

Fall Out Boy and My Chemical Romance are good for angst and fights. (In general)

Sam Smith is for sad scenes (ie the songs Not In That Way and Leave Your Lover)

And so on and so forth. You'll find what works for you.

Happy writing,

PS, I was thinking about creating a new cover, just letting you know.

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