Romeo~ Oh Romeo~ Fuck You Romeo~

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Tags: Enemies to Lovers, Misunderstandings, Angst, Eventual Romance, Eventual fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Idiots in love, Feelings Realization, Jiang Cheng is stupid, Bad first impressions, Lan Xichen is down bad, sexual tension, unresolved sexual tension lol, academic rivals, highschool play but they're in college, romeo and juliet encorem happy ending

A/N: Hang in here with me you guys, Our baby lotus is kinda stupid in this story. By the end you're gonna want to pluck your hairs out of frustration, or at least I did so just put on some Kenny G. and go with the flow.


"Yeah well, fuck!" Jiang Wanyin groaned before banging his head against the wooden desk underneath him. His brother laughed in a not-so-very apologetic manner before giving Jiang Cheng a hard pat on the back.

"It's not so bad my dear brother. You're just starring as Juliet in our school's yearly play with Lan Xichen--your academic rival--who's Romeo."

Jiang Wanyin wailed from the desk and promptly shouted in agony of having to perform with Lan Xichen.

"That's exactly the fucking point dickhead." The latter replied and Wei Wuxian smiled. "This is your chance to get closer to him. I know he's your rival and shit, but don't act like you haven't been crushing on him since the moment you literally met him."

"Fuck you." The younger man grabbed his stuff without a thought as the last bell rang and left his brother behind. His dear brother, Wei Wuxian had this deluded fantasy that Jiang Cheng had a crush on Lan Xichen. Jiang Cheng thought it was utterly stupid. He did not like Lan Xichen. Not a single bit. In fact, he loathed the older man, and the other did the same. Of course there were moments were he found himself staring at the other man and when he was promptly forced back into reality he would slap himself back to the Jiang Cheng who loathed the Lan.

Auditioning for the play was not a part of his plans. Yes, he was a theater geek to an extent. But his usual plays would be planned by him or if he was acting in it, it would be something fairly logical. This was romance---Romeo and Juliet, the so called "greatest romance in history" when really it was just to deluded 13 year old's. But this time, Lan Xichen decided to audition. The guy wasn't even remotely interest in theater yet he did audition. So naturally, as his academic rival he had to do so as well. Jiang Cheng had hoped that with his experience with theater, he would get a better role than Lan Xichen---or better yet...Lan Xichen wouldn't even get a role.

But that clearly didn't work out for him since he was now the Juliet to Lan Xichen's Romeo.

"Fuck that bastard and his big fucking ego." The Jiang cursed as he swiftly moved through the crowds of people huddled along the hallways. It annoyed him as much to see little icks standing in a circle in the middle of the hallway, blocking his way from going to his next class. Fuck them and their stupid fucking conversations too. To make matters worse, Lan Xichen was one of the little icks too. Every time Jiang Cheng would pass the older man in the hallway he would look away from his little circle of friends to give him a look that made Jiang Cheng shiver.

Jiang Cheng quickly took a look at his watch before pushing the doors to the school theater open. Theater was the last thing he had to do for the day and he was good to head home.

"A-Cheng! You're here. I was just about to send someone to look for you." Mr. Yang, the play director, shouted out to him from the stage and Jiang Cheng gave a quick smile.

Mr. Yang was great. He was–really. Although he was a bit weird in ways, he was a kind soul and Jiang Cheng would go as far as saying he was his favorite teacher. But now, he utterly hates him for making Lan Xichen—out of all people—Romeo when he knew that Jiang Cheng hated him. But nevertheless, it is what it is and all Jiang Cheng could hope for now was that the script was at least halfway decent and that there were no — explicitly intimate scenes they had to play.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26 ⏰

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