From the beginning

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Author's note: I have a thing for secret crushes I think.🤭🤭🤭 I know the age and events aren't accurate but I needed them to be of age so the story can work. This is NOT teacher and student. NOT. NOT. 
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Tags: Secret Crush.

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Not everyone liked Lan Qiren's yearly lectures. Jiang Wanyin definitely didn't. But when it led him to meet a particular man he would gladly accept it for the rest of his life. 

The Jiang wasn't sure when it started exactly but it was definitely on his first visit to cloud recesses. His mother was reluctant at first but after he had practically got down on his knees and begged them to let him and his brother go -- she finally let them go. Jiang Cheng knew it was only because the lectures were free, and they were old enough to go by themselves. Jiang Cheng was ecstatic. Mainly because he would get to see Lan Xichen, the esteemed Zewu-Jun, his long time crush. He had only ever read about him, ZeWu-Jun. He was only 21 but he had accomplished much and was already an illustrious figure in the cultivation world.  

Jiang Cheng himself was only 18 and he wondered when he could be like Lan Xichen. He wished he would one day be like Lan Xichen but he knew there was nothing similar between them at all. ZeWu-Jun was the perfect model. He was kind, generous, patient, handsome, and practically everything in between and more. There was never a time when one couldn't see that smile on his face. It was the one thing Jiang Wanyin liked about Lan Xichen, his everlasting smile that never faded.

 It made a huge difference, the smile. Lan Xichens brother Lan Wangji was the complete opposite of his brother. Some say the younger twin had never smiled before in his life. And Jiang Cheng himself thought it might be true, but his mother taught him to never judge a book by its cover although she does it herself quite a lot Jiang Cheng still takes the advice and it really does pay off. 

Their first lecture was when he first met the Esteemed ZeWu-Jun. He was seated beside his brother who was silently chatting away with their other friend Nie Huaisang. Jiang Wanyin had tried to stop the two but it was to no avail, in the end Grandmaster Lan had called them out in the middle of class and they had been sent into the Library Pavilion to transcribe scrolls. At last it was only Jiang Cheng to himself in a class full of masters and servants. At first his sister was supposed to be there but her parents quickly realized that her former fiancée would be there and absolutely forbade her from going. 

Jiang Cheng was in awe. One should never expect more than what they had learned but it was quite different in this case. Lan Xichen was majestic, god-like almost. He was a blossom among thorns which stood out among the vast land. 

He could not help but stare at the sect leader. There was a simple charm an enchantment almost that entranced Jiang Wanyin to Lan Xichens calm face. It was so enchanting that Jiang Wanyin did perceive anything that Grandmaster Lan had said throughout that lecture. It was truly a pity -- there was a test tomorrow. 

Jiang Wanyin had noticed a couple things about Lan Xichen that day: He wore a sort of blue robes that differed from those of Gusu's disciples and Elders, he always carried his xiao alongside him, and he had never once seen Lan Xichen without his forehead ribbon off. 

Of course, he wasn't stupid. He read about the Gusu Lan Clan when he was back in YunMeng and their huge stone wall filled with rules definitely caught the eye of any stranger passing by. He knew the significance of the forehead ribbon to a Lan. Unlike his brother, who had only learnt of this after he had caused a great deal of damage, he --Jiang Wanyin knew what it was. 

The next days test did not go too well either. Yes, he had studied everything he would need to know about Gusu Lan but the test was nothing about them but rather about the history of the cultivation world and the foundation of the 4 great clans. What would Jiang Cheng know about that. He had not paid an ounce of attention to Lan Qiren during his lectures what use would he be now. Once the test had ended he had quickly handed his paper in and rushed out the examination hall. He had passed by the library where Lan Xichen was grading the papers and he had caught his name on the paper and the frown that settled upon Lan Xichens face. 

He fucked up real big this.

But it wasn't all that bad. When he got that test back -- yes he had not passed nor failed but it was bad. After, he had met Lan Xichen outside while walking with his brother and Nie Huaisang. Lan Xichen had kindly asked him if he would like tutoring and Jiang Cheng obviously said yes, alongside the teasing of his brother and friend. 

Still, he could not believe that Lan Xichen would tutor him, even talk to him. He was barely anything compared to Lan Xichen and the thought of them becoming even friends was overwhelming. But nonetheless the day after he had gone to the Library Pavilion to see his new tutor and there he was sitting serenely in a corner, brush and ink at hand and a piece of paper sitting atop the table. He silently walked over there, a blush spread on his face. He was nervous indeed. 

It reminded him of his first ever tutoring lesson when he was a kid with one of his fathers friends. It started of the same way except Lan Xichen was friendly and offered him a smile when he first sat down in front of him. The entire lesson he was not focused. It was bad. He watched as Lan Xichens mouth moved but he could not hear any words coming from out of it. All he could se was a gorgeous man in front of him. 

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Lan Xichen on the other hand was a different story. He had never expected to find interest in someone so quickly. At first glance really. It was so cliche and Lan Xichen was never one to find interest in someone so quick. Especially when that someone was a man. He had a notion that he was probably into men a while ago but he never acted on it as there was never a reason to. But that was only until his unless yearly lecture. 

This year Lan Xichen was responsible for all the grading and testing. When he was younger he would participate in it but now he was too old for it so he would help his uncle out with certain things. After all his uncle was getting old and he was sect leader. It was courtesy to help out. 

When he first saw him, Jiang Cheng, he was in class, trying his best to stop two other kids from talking. The younger boy was clearly annoyed and Lan Xichen figured they were close friends based on their mannerisms. After his uncles had sent two of them away the purple dress boy was obviously uncomfortable in a room full of people he didn't know. For some reason Lan Xichen wished to take him away from the room and somewhere else where only they resided -- alone. It was a weird feeling, like butterflies but there was a swarm instead. 

He could feel the eyes of the other boy throughout class. He held the urge to look back at him. He imagined how awkward it would be for him if they indeed did make eye contact. But Lan Xichen was no fool. He knew feelings from another. But this time he decided not to rush to a conclusion and let a couple days pass before he came to a conclusion on how he felt towards the younger. The following day was a test. It was ridiculous that there was a test right after one day of class but he was not one to go against his uncles wishes. 

He observed Jiang Cheng as he took his test. His facial features and mannerisms throughout the test. It was fascinating -- truly. It was. He had never been this interested in someone this much. Especially since he was kept in Cloud Recesses most of his life and only went out when he was going to clan conferences or on missions. 

As he graded the papers he came across Jiang Wanyins paper. The boy seemed to be a hard-worker but his test papers said something else. But this was his chance. His chance to make a move. But he had never done this before. He did not have experience in love or anything of that sort. But then he also realized that he was his teacher, and there was nothing wrong with a teacher helping a struggling student right. It was a good way to get closer to him too. There was never a conversation that Lan Xichen couldn't keep. 

So he did. He asked if he could help Jiang Cheng with his studies and the younger boy agreed and he was overjoyed. His brother had come up to him a couple of times that day and asked if something was wrong as he was smiling like a wild man. But Lan Xichen only smiled wider before retiring for the day. 

To Be Continued -- 

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