The Way I Am

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I am not like other girls
I don't need my hair curled
I don't wear any dresses or skirts
Just baggy sweatpants and old t-shirts

I'm the kind of girl you can tell all your secrets to
I'm not the gossiping type; it's just not what I do
And we can talk about the most off the wall thing
Nothing is too random for me, I believe

I don't care about my weight all that much
I just love food, okay, there never seems to be enough
And I'm the biggest klutz you'll ever meet
I'm accident prone; I trip over my own feet

And if you ask me to dance, well, what can I say?
I've got two left feet but I'll do it anyway
And I'm incredibly awkward towards my peers
I laugh a bit too much and people look at me weird

People always say I'm cute and I'm just like 'Nope'
I'm always playing Minecraft and I'm too young to vote
I don't own a pair of sandals or a Vera Bradley purse
I'm all about donuts and high top converse

I'm a sucker for murder mystery shows
Especially with serial killers cause they are mah bros
The suspense of it thrills me and I love to predict
I'm good at sensing patterns and coming to the verdict

Sometimes I'm too hyper and on the verge of spastic
I'm a little ironic and I'm always sarcastic
I'm a bit of a nerd or a geek or both
I love video games and playing practical jokes

I'm a winter person; I can't take the summer's heat
I enjoy rainy days and I rarely sleep
I bite my fingernails until they bleed
My eyes are bad and I can barely see

I love Pewdiepie and YouTube is mah bae
I love rollercoasters and I love anime
I'm a bit of a daredevil; Lana Del Rey is my queen
I love cats more than dogs and I hate to clean

I go a bit beyond the limit sometimes
But no one ever said that charm is a crime
I'll probably never change but it's all part of the plan
Love me or hate me it's the way that I am

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