Null chapter 1" past memory

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((A null  chapter is basically a past memory of a character and the reader can hide out the name but the hashtags  I will be using to put the name. no image will be used to show the who or how they look like as they will be shown later in the story but as a null chapter happens it also effects the story  to move forward. so I hope you enjoyed and can find out who this chapter is meant  for.

Let's contine out story within the past now

"I remember four years ago....the runes..the place where many stuggle due to homelessness..running from war..and wanting to leave a lawfree life. The runes were home to hundreds if not thousands of within the old world. Nearly a quarter of the United States  was runes of the old world as for the rest.. was the new world.."

"I opened my eyes to another day I got up and yawned then turned to my side to see someone who I was able to call dad.."

Echo "I see you finally  awaken  come I made us some food"

"I got up and walked over to a small fire and pot heating up pair of mres.." thanks ...

Echo "no problem my boy heh..I shame still..someone as young as you being put into that must have it rough being human.. not that theres a problem with it"

"I just nodded in agreement a less than 13 was rised in war..I was taught at the age of 10 to weld a gun and shoot..but never at one exactly and ran away from a fight..and stayed here in the runes with an anthro..'

Echo lifts a mre up from the pot and hands it to him and pops open his little bag processing to hand me a spoon as I grabbed it and opened my bag and smelled  the beans and rice cooked.. as I began to eat"

Echo: eat up well we have a big day today I hope you can walk far like me heh..

"I groaned a bit like any child would with hard work.." do we have to go far .there's a store  near us..why don't we -

"Echo cuts  me off immediately" never we don't go in there...never I told you we mustn't try breaking into there..its too risky..and dangerous..

I went quiet as I looked down and nodded" yes sir..

Echo " let's go.. "he lifts himself up and holds his little bag close as he puts on his hat putting his horns  through first"

"I ate the rest of my food and put out the fire using a Moist cover as we heard the hiss of the fire dying out. we both walk out of the ruined tower and out in the trash filled streets with cars growing life as they are all empty, doors open and hoods proped  open as the cars are aged and rusted.

"I walked following echo close looking around at the old buildings  as I see the store again..parking lot empty...doors just,.there good for the taking for any survivor.."

Echo grabs my arm as he pulls me over gently and keeps walking as I look up at him as his face looked worried..."

"Twenty minutes later as we are in a old furniture store  as echo put a blindfold over my eyes  and I hear  objects around me being moved" ...

Echo take it off heh..

"I take off the blindfold as I see a nice clean little fort made out of pillows, couches and covers as there's a small bag of chips on the ground within the fort next to a bottle of clean water.

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