Chapter four skin and fur

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((I hope you enjoy this chapter and the book itself -aclassicman

"Ryan's  point of view" "three days later"

"Laying on my bed within my new room...I wonder about my squad. Charles is somehow still alive...Tucker is alive probably by calling off the order to fall back and Samuel...I hope I can find you man" hmm

"Some knocking comes from my door making me lean up before getting up from my bed" ?

"As I walked to the door more knocking can be heard from the door" I'm  coming I'm  coming hold your "opening the door"

"I stare at a anthro horse as she looks down at me as I am left speachless and face of embarrassment" uh...

"Anthro horse ...just get ready you got a misson and the general wants ya..."she walks away as I nod a bit before closing my door then walking to my closet" fuck..I forgot anthros came as nearly every animal..

"grabbing some of my equipment and holding my new ak-47 with a red laser, grip, better stock and muzzle concealer. remembering the day the hyena attacked me and gun went missing so I only can amuse they took my gun" mmm what the fuck  even happened to that guy...

"I wrapped my head around that thought before snapping back to reality as I grabbed some spare magazines and putting the magazines onto my vest. I walk out of my room"

"Bagheera bumps into me as she walks down the hall along with Tess as Bagheera looks back at me staring daggers" I let out a sigh of annoyance and follow them"

"Samantha steps  out of her room and walks with me as she is checking her LMG" so first misson with anthros how do you feel  about it "holding her LMG  close and pulls out a bullet from her pocket"

"Honestly...feeling like  bagheera is gonna shoot me in the head"

"Samantha relax she wouldn't do that

"I was about to thank her thinking she meant she gonna protect me but i was proven wrong very quickly"

"Samantha well with us around at least. pray to God you ain't alone with her. "she chuckles  patting my back as I look ahead of me seeing bagheera slowly putting shells into her shotgun. walking besides Tess as she has her sword at her side and revolver in his holster"

"Great..thanks for that sam...

"Samantha looks at me confused and gets a playful grin" oh Sam now huh getting a little crush on little ol me "she laughs and puts the bullet into her pocket"

"I turn to her as my face is a bit red" NO I SAID SAM CAUSE ITS SHORTER YOU OVER GROWN DOG

"She laughs and pats my back before walking ahead of me" sure thing little ray hehe. Hope you stay by your crush.

"I stop in mysteps then letting out a groan of annoyance as I want to punch the wall right now in anger but a hand goes on my shoulder as I look back I see Mary" ?...

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