Chapter Six Ruin's Hidden Treasures

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((I hoped you enjoy null chapter 2 but now I hope you enjoy this mess of chapter six and some glitch made me lose all my progress for this chapter so that is fun. It ain't gonna stop me from making this book I love even if it's a mess. p.s. this is what Saint looks like without the his gas mask- thatlassicman

 this is what Saint looks like without the his gas mask- thatlassicman

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"Ryan's point of view"

"I open my eyes to see nearly everyone around me" .... "Samantha oh thank god...he's still alive heh.." "Mary Samantha your making it sound like he was shot in the head..."Ruth stands by mary" yeah...he only got shot in the foot.

"Samantha well sorry for caring for the onl- ....well second human I have met that I didn't have to kill for once. "She hugs me then lifts me up bride style" I'd say put me down...but your fucking lucky my foot is killing me...literally. "I said annoyed to see her just have a smug smile"

"I look at her clothes and raise an eyebrow confused to see her in a old puffer jacket, t shirt and damaged jeans" what's with...the whole get up... "Ruth well it's a long story...

"I look around to see Mary wearing nearly the same thing but with hoodie, and sweats" better tell me the short version...

"Samantha just turns towards somewhere as I see bagheera using a shovel from God knows where to pat the ground while wearing a old coat along with a crop top and shorts" ....

"Samantha the signal....we lost them. Ace company got to them first...we believe it happened a long time ago due to the condition the bodies were in... humans and anthros just trying to live life and well they were killed...

Mary was deers and a buck with two humans... sorry Ryan but no luck with any other humans besides well.."she points towards a spot making me look as my eyes widen seeing a face I know...samuel"

"I tap Samantha's hand slightly and point" h-head to them please I have to talk to him... "she chuckles before walking over to samuel as I see him talking to Tess with an absolutely unit right next to him"

"Samantha clears her throat as samuel and Tess looks at me then the giant stares at me as he looks like some person who can walk on water" ....hey... big guy... "he waves his hand slowly"

'Samuel walks over and hugs me" Ryan! Great to see your doing gr- alright heh... "I hug back and chuckle slightly" I am doing fine. this isn't that much a bad thing I'd be fine probably.

"Tess walks over as she is wearing a normal size shirt but her height and body make it look like a crop top showing off stone hard abs as she wears a wooly hoodie with the hood on and she is wearing slightly tore pants" good to see your able to talk... gives me more information that'll be alright to shoot your gun still..

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