Null chapter 3 drop zone

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((Sorry for not posting for a bit just focusing on life a bit due to one of my dogs fucking up my arm when they got a bit too rough with each other. But I hope you can enjoy this null chapter. Chapter seven will probably be posted within up coming month or maybe longer if something happens -thatclassicman '-'

"Four years ago within the ruins of [REDACTED]"

"Walking around within an abandoned mall with a group of five along with my brother Tucker we have a mission to find anything of use and recon for the base." "Tucker yells aloud" make sure you wipe this place clean. If you find any rats bring em out! "he keeps walking as everyone nods"

"I just sigh quietly to myself walking into a store within the mall I aim my M4 around the corner while slowly walking around as the store is filled with plushies, dolls along with other small stuff animals...." heh.... "I slowly lift up a stuffed animal and smile softly remembering my mom..."

"I put down the bear with now a feeling of sadness before I hear a thud making me look over to see ...young goat anthro holidng a plushie of a bear." "My eyes widen in shock... seeing a child possibly no younger than seven while wearing a small flower dress" "I step forward causing her to step away from me..." hey kid...its okay I am friend..."I put my hand on my chest" frrriend...

"I slowly get down on a knee with my hand out" you can trust me... don't worry "I smile at her as she slowly steps forward to me reaching her hand out before softly putting onto my hand whilst a smile slowly forms on her face'

"I slowly stand up" come on let's get you to some place safe. "As I say this I hear a brust gun shots echo throughout the mall" ?! "I feel a small hand tighten onto my hand before I look down seeing the goat child scared as she has one arm around my leg" ....

Hey... we are gonna play a little game okay ever heard of hide and seek?... "she looks up at me then slowly shakes her head no" well...this is how it works you go hide...and i will find you once I come back... sounds fun yeah? "A small smile comes to her face before she nods then running off to hide as I run out of the store then looking around as I hear a whistle echo out"

"I run towards the whistle and see my brother with a soilder along two anthros laying on the ground...both goats..." "I slow down in horror as my brother looks at me then walks to me" we found two anthro rats... just walking around and dumbass here gunned them down.

"I see the solider pull out a steel wire" hey its not my fault you said being em out and you didn't say how. "He walks over to the bodies" heh mind if I get myself a little trophy?

"I stare at the anthros in a daze mind getting over filled with thoughts as there's a bag on the ground that's fallen over to the side as inside there's water, canned foods and a children's clothes...." "The solider puts the wire around the anthros horn"

'I pull my revolver before pulling back the hammer as a small click can be heard" drop the fucking wire... and back away from the body now... "Tucker turns towards me" what are you doing sa- "I yell at him" look at the bag! "I keep the revolver aimed at the solider as he slowly stands up looking at me" ....

"I can see put the corner of my eye Tucker looking towards the bag then his face shifts Into horror" back away from the "I aim the revolver at the solider as I feel a horrible gut wrenching feeling" ....

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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