A Moment

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A message from theclassicman

No I ain't quiting on this book but unfortunately I am having serious writing block due to multiple plot holes in future chapters I am trying to work on along with hellfire.

There's so many ideas I wanna add to this book I am making and well if I try to add one it effects the other and I don't want this book to just what I enjoy. I want it also to what the reader like yourselves will enjoy.

The null chapters

The null chapters are something I love personally due to some giving another view of person who had to take a different path like Samuel. I am currently working on a null chapter for him about his past as well somewhat like Ryan's.

I will be working on the others too like the anthros and mostly likely Ethan's and his younger brother. Along with the past days before the great War happening with anthros barely shown to the public.

The idea of the null chapters showing the past and events happening to other people but if you enjoy the null chapters you can tell me or even suggest a null chapter of a character.

The story

Honestly the story is what I am enjoying most it makes me happy seeing that people even read, vote and save this book. Give me a smile on my face but back on track.

The story in general I am having alot of ideas but having to change them out in the final check to prevent any plot holes. Originally in The ruins hidden treasures. I was gonna make a sense where Ryan had to make a choice to either save Tess from falling off of a building or help Samuel from his brother forcing him onto a helicopter.

I decided to change it in the end unfortunately but I did it for a later part in the story that'll make more sense for Ryan's development later in the book so he can become more "human" to help others along to become a "animal" and make the toughest choices.

The factions

The factions are the anthros, humans, ruin explorers/rats and overlords. These I added due to the world in this book being on the the steps of rebuilding its self as the ruins have people who aren't accepted due to running from war/race due to the new world being run by anthros.

The overlords such as the dealer and the one who wears a jacket and mask and the conductor are people who are either respected or heavily feared by those with large amounts of power.

The conductor I was gonna show in the railroads but didn't in the last check due to them needing no reason to be out yet because his railroads were working as fine as they possibly can.

The one who wears a jacket and mask / Mark Lockwood is planned to be a villain who wants control over all the ruins across the global. Later meeting a force that wants the same power as him then striking a deal.

Lastly the dealer I was gonna show them in the ruins hidden treasures too but changed it in the end leaving the scene we have now. I decided a better spot for him to be but his scene gonna have bagheera trying to cheat him out in a game of cards but gets caught then trapped leading to Ryan having to save her.

So I got rid of him in that chapter due to him mostly just being unnecessary words in a book.

Ideas for evolution/references

I have alot of ideas for this book and plan to add references to other popular books but won't be cannon at all just a silly reference to the book. A reference I can name was putting is the slow your horses line. In my second book evolution cut parts shows the horse I was mentioning.

One idea I had plan was voices of the void. A small chapter only in the point of view of whoever it is somewhere else in the world. I stopped this idea due to it being too close and similar to the null chapters.

Another idea I do plan on adding is choices for the readers if yall wanna comment on a part of a chapter to pick such and such like go with blank or go with blank and another being help this person or betray this person.

Last idea I want to use is music like when there's moments at the base, campfires or moments of relaxation. I try to do this in chapter one with Samantha and Ethan slowly trying to understand what song she was humming. But I kinda messed up with the song choice and just left a song there. But this I do wanna add for moments of joy and boredom.

Thank you

Now that I clear the air. I'll probably postpone the rework of chapter one when this book is done or whenever I am bored I'll work on the rework. As of chapters now I'll probably post a null chapter first then the main story chapter after words but till then and Thank you for enjoying evolution- theclassicman :)

880 words

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