✴⭐✴How We Met✴⭐✴

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Hinata and Sasuke's Past

Normal pov

It was a rainy day in the hidden leaf village and everyone was in their homes. Hinata Hyuga was a normal girl with a awesome home and a happy family with loving parents. She had everything execpt a friend whom she could realy on threw think and thin, a friend whom she can call a best friend. She did have one once and her name was Sakura Haruno but she became a transfer student and moved away. She has other friends but none of them can replace Sakura.

No ever heard of the name Sasuke Uchiha thats until one day there was a transfer student who came. An once he said his name and with his emotionless eyes and a bordem face all the girls fell instantly in love with him. He immediately hated each and everyone of them and wanted to be home schooled. But his parents said he needed to have friends his own age and need to be around other kids his age execpt his other brother Itachi. He could'nt argue because he never would have won.

Hinata Hyuga

I was in my room laying on my bed reading the most cuteist book ever. I finally finished the book and put it to the side then grabbed my t.v. remote and turned on my television. I sighed as I flicked threw the channels not finding anything interesting. Hanabi went to her friends house yesterday and has not returned because it was a week sleep over.

Before I could do something else my door opened revealing my mother with a heart warming smile "Hinata dear, I need you to go to the ramon noodle shop"

I nodded giving her a small smile "Okay mother, do we have another umbrella"

She sighed as she shook her head "Sorry Hinata just go with a sweater and be safe"

I smiled as my lavender whites pierced right into hers "I will, so what do you need me to get"

She handed me the paper "Just their special five to be exact and if you see any of your friends then order six the money is on the table Hinata"

I nodded my head and she left my room. I took my uggs out of my closet and slipped them on easily. I then went back into my closet and took out my dark blue sweater. I sighed as I ran down stairs and took the money off the table. I opened the front door and walked out into the pouring rain which was frezing.

The rain never stopped nor calmed down it just gotten worse and worse now that I think of it why would someone be out in such weather but the rain stopped. No it stopped touching me but its still raining around me, I then saw a shadow darker then mine. I looked up as I saw a umbrella over my head. I then found a hand holding onto a handle.

I followed the hand to a boy's face, He had onex eyes, dark midnight hair in a style of a duck butt "Why are you out here by your self in the rain not to mention without an umbrella"

I looked down at my feet embaressed as I was about to cross the road "Well I um w-well..."

"Forget it your one of my fangirls arint you..."he said with an attitude

I looked at him as if he was crazy "I-Im sorry b-but I dont kn-ow who y-y-you are"

He gave me a small smile and out streached his hand "Im Sasuke, Sasuke Uchiha and you are"

I smiled back at his as I shook his hand "Hinata, Hinata Hyuga"

"Oh your not studdering anymore" he said sorta shocked

I shrugged my shoulders as our hands relesed "I guess it's because I feel at ease with you Sasuke-kun"

He put his umbrella mostly over my head and smiled "Please no formality's I hate them and thats good because I never on planing on hurting anyone, unless they bother me or someone I care for. So where your going in this rain Hinata"

We crossed the road to the ramon noddle shop "I'm going here,please wait here as I get the food please"

He nodded his head and I went inside and ordered six specials. I then paided the man who naruto gets free food from and went outside where Sasuke was waiting for me. I started walking beside him as not one of us broke the silance.

I then remembered about the extra order "Hey Sasuke-kun"

He gave off a small laugh "You dont need to put the kun at the end of my name but what's up Hinata"

I felt the blood rush up to my cheeks which made them warm "Well would you like to come over for dinner tonight"

He thought for a moment "Sure Hinata, even tho I ate like two hours ago but I dont mind"

I smiled and he retured it too me which made my heart pound rapidly I dont like him anyway so why am I feeling this way around him. I only like Naruto-kun anyway, I guess I feel this way because Im just happy about his answer... yeah thats it im only happy about his answer. We finally arrived at my parents and my mother grinned as she saw Sasuke hold he door open for me.

Sasuke closed the door and saw my mother grinning at the both of us "Well,Well Hinata I didn't know you had a boyfriend"

I blushed as Sasuke rolled his eyes I think he thinks I was one of his fangirls but I'm sorry I'm not "No mother this is my friend Sasuke Uchiha, he just moved here"

Sasuke nodded still being silent as my mother's grin faded into a smile "Well then, I'm Hani Hyuga. Hinata's mother"

Sasuke looked up at her and gave her the same exact smile he gave me when we met "I'm Sasuke, Sasuke Uchiha from the Uchiha clan"

My mother's eyes widened with excitement and she squeeled "Oh my then your an very important guest to us, please sit. Dinner's here"

She yelled the last part up the stairs and both Sasuke and I sat next to eachother at the dinner table. Before anyone came down stairs Sasuke leaned over and said "You maybe not a fangirl but your mom sure is"

I looked at him and laughed "yeah I guess she is huh"

After we stopped laughing everyone came to the dinning room and sat around us. My parents sat at the ends while we sat around them. As my mother was saying grace I saw my father glaring at Sasuke the inteire time.

"Okay Sasuke we'll introduce ourselves-" my mother said as we all stood up "You already know me I'm Hani Hyuga"

"I'm Neji Hyuga, Hinata's cuz"

"Hehe I'm Hanabi Hyuga, Hinata's little sister"

"Hmmm I'm Hiashi Hyuga, Hinata's father"

"I'm Hinata Hyuga, and this is my family and we're the Hyuga clan"

Sasuke smiled at all of us "Nice to meet you all, I'm Sasuke Uchiha from the Uchiha clan and thank you for letting me stay for dinner"

He all smiled and even my dad surprisingly I guess it's because the Uchiha is the second best clan below ours. N that's how both Sasuke and I met in a day in the rain.

How was the first chapter I hoped you liked it. if you wanna read another SasuHina book then read my other book on my other Profile its called 'Another Cinderella Story' please check it out.

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