Sasuke's Baby, Where's Sasuke... Oh Yeah He's In America

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Neji Hyuga

It's been a week since Sasuke left to America and Hinata is devistated that she won't be able to see him most importantly the baby. I looked at my bride soon to be and I gave her a hug, yes I loved Hinata as family but also as a crush... YES my dream came true but I did'nt attned on marrying her, Uncle Hiashi took it too far.

She bit her bottom lip as she closed her eyes and I started to rub her stomach. She opened her eyes and placed her head on my shoulder as both of us continued to rub her stomach. She huffed and puffed and kept on breathing heavily I started to get really worried and she looked into my violate whites as I looked into hers.

I then felt something wet on her sheets I looked down and saw where she was sitting was wet. I looked at her face and her eyes where wide and her mouth was open wide "Neji m-my water broke"

I did'nt know what to do so I picked her up bridle style "Ima take you to the hospital Hinata, don't worry"

I then started running to the hospital while still holding a woman about to go into labor totally forgetting I had a car. To late to go back now not to mention I was almost there. Before I got there she looked at me with worried eyes and I kissed her forehead as I started to run faster pushing my muscles to it's limits.

I ran threw the doors and every nurse looked at me "WHY ARE YOU STARING SHE'S GOING INTO LABOR DO YOUR JOBS AND HELP HER GOD DAMN IT"

They all ran to Hinata and put her on a streacher then ran into a un occupied room. I sat in the waiting room as I was sweeting nervously, I took out my phone and I was trying to dial Hiashi's number but I kept on shaking. I don't know why though it's not my child but I am help raising it and my name is gonna be on the birth certificate.

As I was sitting there I saw more nurses and doctors going into Hinata's room, OKAY now I'm worried about my cousin. I then heard a doctor yell on the top of his lunges "GET A AIR TUBE AND BUT IT OH HER". I looked down at the floor slightly crying hoping Hinata and the baby are fine hoping not one of them died.

12 hours later












"Neji..." I looked up and saw Ino in her nurses outfit "Congratulations it's a girl"

I smiled as I quickly hugged Ino "Can I see Hinata and the baby now"

She giggled and nodded her head "Of course you can, and I don't know why but the baby looks alot like Sasuke unless I'm just going crazy"

I looked down at the floor as I clenched my fist "The baby is oringally Sasuke's"

She clapped her hands "Where's Sasuke"

I looked at her "But he did'nt believe the baby was his so he left Hinata and went to America"

"Oh..." She then looked sad "Well congratulations on filling that hole in the babies life you can see them now"

I smiled as saw Hinata not fat anymore while sitting up holding the baby. I walked up to them and kissed Hinata's forehead and then kissed the baby's forehead as well. Ino came back with a smile on her face with a clip board in her hand, she then placed it on a table beside Hinata's bed.

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