Busted or Not

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??? Hyuga or Uchiha

I walked into the room and saw Hinata sleeping peacefully next to Sasuke which I shrugged it off. But before I left I saw that her shirt was on the floor so I started to get curious. I picked it up and opened it I saw that it was the shirt she put on last night. I then scanned the area and saw Sasuke's shirt on the floor.

I already knew what happened with their shirts on the floor and them sleeping super close to each other. It only meant one thing they slept together and had a little fun. I put the shirts on her dresser and went up to Hinata and saw that she was'nt wearing her bra niether. I smirked as I walked out of her room and down the stairs.

'Ima keep this a secret for now at least' I thought as I poured my self a glass of water. I heard someone coming down stairs, I smirked as I saw Hinata coming down smiling wearing a robe. As she walked up to me while I was in the kitchen and gave me a huge ass hug which startled me then she broke it.

"Hey Neji" She said

I grinned and took another sip "Hey Hinata, you know I saw something very surprising today when I went up to check on you"

She looked at me with a red face filled with embarressment and also shock "W-what did y-ou see"

I smirked and kissedher forehead "I saw just enough my little cousin whom is not innocent anymore"

She blushed and sat on the barstool at the Island and I was across from her "Did you only see us sleeping or something else"

I smiled and I put a piece of her hair behind her ear "Like I told you I saw just enough"

She smiled then her smiled faded to a face filled with worry "Are you gonna tell Father about this because if you do I'ma lose Sasuke"

I pretended to think then I smiled "Of course I'm not gonna tell Uncle Hiashi I don't want my cousin to be in trouble but do you want me to tell Aunt Hani"

She shook her head no as she held my hand "Neji please don't"

I nodded my head in understandment

Next thing I know Sasuke comes downstairs with the biggest smile i've ever seen. The first thing I said was "You guys are crazy, are you guys going out now?"

Sasuke nodded his head "Yeah she's my girl"

Hinata looked at Sasuke with a questioning look"Who said that"

"I thought because of last night-"

"No that meant nothing i'm sorry Sasuke" she said running out of the room crying

I looked at Sasuke trying not to laugh and I walked out of the house into the streets of the hidden leaf.

Sasuke Uchiha

After Neji left I then ran after Hinata wondering what was about to happen. "HINATA" I said shouting

"Just leave me alone, I ruined everything"

"Hinata just open the door and we can talk about it"


Sasuke decided to pick the lock" Believe it or not you mean the world to me and I love you Hinata even if you don't love me back"

I then succeeded opening the door and Hinata ran up to me tackling me in a hug "I love you too Baka, but I don't wanna ruin our friendship Sasuke"

Me feeling guilty I pulled her away and looked down at the ground "I'm sorry Hinata but..... nevermind"

I then walked out her room, down the stairs, and into the streets of the hidden leaf passing by Neji who was going back to Hinata. I then ran into Sakura whom looked at me as if she wanted me. I rolled my eyes as I put my hands in my pockets...

Hinata Hyuga

After Sasuke left I quickly remembered he did'nt wear any protection what so ever. I quickly ran into my parents room and looked threw my mothers drawers. I then came apon a box of pregnacy test and I took three from it and returned it back in it's spot. I went into the bathroom and I peed on them from what the directions told me.

I put them on the counter then for some unknown reason I felt like I had to throw up. I ran to the toliet and sadly I did throw up. I then looked at the test and it had a pichure of a baby on all three of them. 'I'm pregnant ... ima be a mother to Sasuke's child' I thought happily 'But what if Sasuke does'nt want it and denies that he's the father'

I slid my self down onto the bathroom floor and started crying to my self "I *sniff* wanna keep the ba-by"

I heard someone come into my room and then he or she knocked on the door "Hinata are you okay, why are you crying''

I looked at the door "N-Neji?''

"Hinata it's me please open the door why are you crying"

I quickly opened the door and tackled Neji into a hug while crying on his shoulders. He picked me up and sat me down on my bed as he sat next to me rubbing soothing circles on my back. I dug my nails into his shoulder blade as my crying hardened and he started shushing me.

''Shhhhh it's okay Hinata tell me what happened" He whispered

I looked at him "I-I'm pregnant"

He gave me a heart warming smile "Why are you crying over that, you sould be happy"

I smiled then my smile turned in a frown "I don't want Sa-suke to make me ha-ve an abortion or even say the ba-by is not his"

"Well do you wanna be a mother" He asked me "Your still younge Hina"

I nodded my head with a smile "Y-yeah I wanna be a-a mo-ther"

He kissed my forehead "Congrats Hinata and even if he say's he does'nt wanna be the father then I'll get my crew to beat him up and I'll help you raise it sound cool"

I nodded my head and giggle which I think I saw Neji blush "Thanks Neji"

Hoped you liked it :)

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