The Baby

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Hinata Hyuga

I had no idea what to do whether or not to tell Sasuke im pregnant or not. I just decided to take a nap, next thing I knew it was 10 A.M.,once i woke up i saw Neji on the couch in my room. I got up and walked to the kitchen and raided the fridge.

Sasuke Uchina

Since I was home alone while my brother went to training I decided to go to Hinata's house. When i got there i knocked on the door"Hinata are you home".

"Hold on Sasuke she said"

Hinata Hyuga

I was halfway done with the fridge when I heard Sasuke knock on the door I said hold on and I started to panic "Ummmmm Sasuke hole on i'm getting dressed". I ran upsairs and threw on the first thing I saw then I ran downstairs to open the door. "Hi babe" I said in a baby voice.

Sasuke ran to me and picked me up off my feet" Hi babe I missed you I was thinking maybe we can go to the movies we can see "The first death, how does that sound''

''Sounds great but im pretty hungry can we stop at Makudonarudo (Mc.Donalds)?".

"Okay i'm hungry too lets go"

When we got there I was so hungry that I ordered two number 1's ,three number 10's and a extra large drink. I had no idea what Sasuke was going to say but I could'nt care less.

I ordered it while Sasuke stared at me in confusment and said " Are you okay Hinata is there something you want to tell me"

I looked at him and shook my head "No, No, There's nothing I want to tell you Sasuke"

"Hn....... okay what ever you say" He said

After he ordered his food I took my drink and tray as I walked to a table. I then filled my drink and came back then I started eating like there was no tomorrow. As I was eating I felt Sasuke's eyes on me the inter time we were there. When we finished our meal we then walked to the movie's which was only a block away.

"Welcome to the hidden leafs movie's What would you like to watch" A lady with red and orange hair asked

"Umm... two tickets to see The First Death" Sasuke said

The lady gave him the tickets and I desided to buy the snacks mostly becuase I wanted to chose everything I wanted. I ordered a large popcorn two to be exact and a large soda as well as candy..... for me and for sasuke and I got a medium popcorn and a medium drink. I walked into the movie room and saw where Sasuke was at.

I walked and sat beside him then gave him his stuff "Here you go Sasuke"

"Um... Hinata are you sure your okay" He asked me

I nodded my head as I already finished a candy "Yeah I'm fine"

5 month's later

Neji Hyuga

'Damn Hinata is getting big... I wonder if Sasuke found out yet' I thought as I sat beside Hinata whom was eating uncontolably. I swallowed the lump in my thoat. Sasuke then came in the house and kissed Hinata on the forehead then sat on the other side of her.

"YO, Hinata your getting huge. You should stop eating all that food" He said and started to laugh

Hinata stopped eating and looked at me simpathiticly "Neji, can I talk to you in private please"

I nodded my head and both of us got up and walked towards the kitchen. I poured myself a glass of water as she well she took out a cake and started eating it. I looked at her as she continued eating and I looked at her while she did.

"Um, Hinata... you have to tell Sasuke" I said

She looked up at me with fear in ther eyes ''NO, I don't want him too know"

I sighed as I finished my drink and I put my glass in the sink "Hinata he's gonna find oout sooner or later and it's either you tell him so he could be happy about your honesty or you let him find out on his own and let him be mad for you not telling him, it's one or the other"

She pushed her cake away and I gave her a glass of water which she chugged down rather quickly "Fine I'll tell him....... but does it have to be now Neji, can it be someother time"

I ran my hand threw my hair which is rather long "It's tell or be told or something like that but tell him or lose him... Yeah I like that one much better"

She giggled which was so beautiful and I felt my cheeks heat up but I quickly shook them away "Okay Neji i'll tell him"

I gave her a smile whih she returned then she started walking towards the living room. I saw her take a deep breath then she sat next to Sasuke while I sat on the recliner watching the whole thing.

"Um... Sasuke I have to tell you something important" She said in a confident yet scared voice

I looked at Sasuke but it was more then a glare "Yeah Hinata"

Hina swallowed the lump in her throat then said "Promise me you won't leave me if I tell you"

He laughed a little then looked at her again "I can't keep a promise Hina, just tell me"

"Okay... I-I'm pre.... I can't do this your gonna leave me" She then got up and ran to her room

I followed her then I knocked on the door ''Hinata it's me Neji, open up"

She opened the door and hugged me really tight "NEJI HE'S GONNA LEAVE ME"

I hugged her back and rubbed circles onher back "It's Okay, I told you if he does I'll help you didn't I Hinata"

She broke the hug and wipped her tears "Even if he leave's me while I'm still pregnant you'll stay with me"

I nodded my head and smiled "Yeah I'll help you raise it as well"



Cliffhanger P.S This book is almsot over
Hoped you liked it :)

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